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acc gui pro Response
1requiered 0not requiered 0not requiered
  "id": "C19467C6-F5AD-E211-8756-78E7D1936222",
  "name": "Account.1234",
  "age": 22911780,
  "world": 1004,
  "guilds": [
1requiered 1optional 0not requiered
  "guild_leader": [
1requiered 0not requiered 0not requiered
  "created": "2013-04-25T22:09:00Z",
  "access": [
  "commander": true,
1requiered 0not requiered 1optional
  "fractal_level": 100,
  "daily_ap": 7659,
  "monthly_ap": 1129,
  "wvw_rank": 514
1requiered 0not requiered 0not requiered



An object containing an array of strings representing backstory answer IDs pertaining to the questions answered during character creation. References /v2/backstory/answers.


For each requested tab, an object with the following properties is returned:

  • tab (number) - The "id" of this tab. (The position at which it resides.)
  • is_active (boolean) - Whether or not this is the tab selected on the character currently.
  • build (object) - Contains detailed information about the build.
    • name (string) - The name given to the build.
    • profession (string) - The characters profession. Resolvable against /v2/professions.
    • specializations (array of objects) - Three objects providing information about the characters selected specializations.
      • id (number) - The specialization id or null if none is selected. Resolvable against /v2/specializations.
      • traits (array of numbers) - Three trait ids or null in places where none is selected. Resolvable against /v2/traits.
    • skills (object) - Contains information about the characters selected skills. All values may be resolved against /v2/skills.
      • heal (number) - The id of the heal skill or null if none is selected.
      • utilities (array of numbers) - Three utility skill ids or null in places where none is selected.
      • elite (number) - The id of the elite skill or null if none is selected.
    • aquatic_skills (object) - Contains information about the characters selected underwater skills. The structure is the same as the one of skills above.
    • legends (array of strings) (optional) - Included for revenants only. Two legend ids or null in places where none is selected. Resolvable against /v2/legends.
    • aquatic_legends (array of strings) (optional) - Included for revenants only. The structure is the same as the one of legends above.
    • pets (object) (optional) - Included for rangers only. Containers information about the characters selected pets. Resolvable against /v2/pets.
      • terrestrial (array of integers) - Containers the two pet ids the ranger has equipped for terrestrial combat.
      • aquatic (array of integers) - Containers the two pet ids the ranger has equipped for aquaticcombat.
    "tab": 1,
    "is_active": true,
    "build": {
      "name": "An Example Response Build",
      "profession": "Warrior",
      "specializations": [
          "id": 4,
          "traits": [
          "id": 11,
          "traits": [
          "id": null,
          "traits": [
      "skills": {
        "heal": 14389,
        "utilities": [
        "elite": 14355
      "aquatic_skills": {
        "heal": 14402,
        "utilities": [
        "elite": 14419


  • name (string) - The character's name.
  • race (string) - The character's race. Possible values:
    • Asura
    • Charr
    • Human
    • Norn
    • Sylvari
  • gender (string) - The character's gender. Possible values:
    • Male
    • Female
  • profession (string) - The character's profession. Possible values:
    • Elementalist
    • Engineer
    • Guardian
    • Mesmer
    • Necromancer
    • Ranger
    • Revenant
    • Thief
    • Warrior
  • level (integer) - The character's level.
  • guild (string, optional) - The guild ID of the character's currently represented guild.
  • age (integer) - The amount of seconds this character was played.
  • last_modified (string) – An ISO-8601 standard timestamp of when the account information last changed as perceived by the API. This field is only present when a Schema version of 2019-02-21T00:00:00Z or later is requested.[1]
  • created (string) - ISO 8601 representation of the character's creation time.
  • deaths (integer) - The amount of times this character has been defeated.
  • title (number, optional) - The currently selected title for the character. References /v2/titles.


  • crafting (array) - An array containing an entry for each crafting discipline the character has unlocked
    • discipline (string) - The name of the discipline. Possible values:
      • Armorsmith
      • Artificer
      • Chef
      • Huntsman
      • Jeweler
      • Leatherworker
      • Scribe
      • Tailor
      • Weaponsmith
    • rating (integer) - The current crafting level for the given discipline and character
    • active (boolean - true/false) - Describes if the given discipline is currently active or not on the character.


Prior to schema version 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z, items equipped from the Legendary Armory will be missing from this response.

  • equipment (array) - An array containing an entry for each piece of equipment currently on the selected character.
    • id (integer) - The item id, resolvable against /v2/items
    • slot (string) - The equipment slot in which the item is slotted. This value is optional on schema 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z or later, will be missing if equipment is in an inactive tab. Possible values:
      • HelmAquatic
      • Backpack
      • Coat
      • Boots
      • Gloves
      • Helm
      • Leggings
      • Shoulders
      • Accessory1
      • Accessory2
      • Ring1
      • Ring2
      • Amulet
      • WeaponAquaticA
      • WeaponAquaticB
      • WeaponA1
      • WeaponA2
      • WeaponB1
      • WeaponB2
      • Sickle
      • Axe
      • Pick
    • infusions (array) (optional) - returns an array of infusion item ids which can be resolved against /v2/items
    • upgrades (array) (optional) - returns an array of upgrade component item ids which can be resolved against /v2/items
    • skin (integer) (optional) - Skin id for the given equipment piece. Can be resolved against /v2/skins
    • stats (object) (optional) - Contains information on the stats chosen if the item offers an option for stats/prefix.
      • id (integer) - The itemstat id, can be resolved against /v2/itemstats
      • attributes (object) - Contains a summary of the stats on the item.
        • Power (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of power given
        • Precision (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Precision given
        • Toughness (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Toughness given
        • Vitality (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Vitality given
        • Condition Damage (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Condition Damage given
        • Condition Duration (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Condition Duration given
        • Healing (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Healing Power given
        • BoonDuration (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Boon Duration given
    • binding (string) (optional) - describes which kind of binding the item has. Possible values:
      • Character
      • Account
    • location (string) - describes where this item is stored. Available on schema 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z or later. Possible values:
      • Equipped - equipped in the active tab.
      • Armory - equipped in an inactive tabs.
      • EquippedFromLegendaryArmory - if the item is stored in the account-wide legendary armory, but equipped in the active tab.
      • LegendaryArmory - if the item is stored in the account-wide legendary armory, but equipped in an inactive tabs.
    • tabs (array of numbers) - identifies which tabs this particular item is reused in. Available on schema 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z or later.
    • charges (number) (optional) - The amount of charges remaining on the item.
    • bound_to (string) (optional, only if character bound) - Name of the character the item is bound to.
    • dyes (array of numbers) - Array of selected dyes for the equipment piece. Values default to null if no dye is selected. Colors can be resolved against v2/colors


For each requested tab, an object with the following properties is returned:

  • tab (number) - The "id" of this tab. (The position at which it resides.)
  • name (string) - The name given to the equipment combination.
  • is_active (boolean) - Whether or not this is the tab selected on the character currently.
  • equipment (array of objects) - Contains an object for each equiped piece of equipment.
    • id (number) - The item id of the equipment piece. Resolvable against /v2/items.
    • slot (string) - In which slot the equipment piece is equiped. Possible values:
      • Helm
      • Shoulders
      • Coat
      • Gloves
      • Leggings
      • Boots
      • WeaponA1
      • WeaponA2
      • WeaponB1
      • WeaponB2
      • Backpack
      • Accessory1
      • Accessory2
      • Amulet
      • Ring1
      • Ring2
      • HelmAquatic
      • WeaponAquaticA
      • WeaponAquaticB
    • skin (number, optional) - The skin id of the skin transmuted onto the equipment piece. Resolvable against /v2/skins.
    • upgrades (array of numbers, optional) - The item ids of the upgrade components sloted in the weapon. Resolvable against /v2/items.
    • infusions (array of numbers, optional) - The item ids of the infusions sloted in the weapon. Resolvable against /v2/items.
    • binding (string, optional) - The binding of the item. Possible values:
      • Account
      • Character
    • bound_to (string, optional) - The name of the character to which the item is bound.
    • location (string) - Either Equipped or Armory.
    • dyes (array of numbers, optional) - Four dye ids representing the dyes used in the dye slots of the equipment piece or null if a dye slot is unavailable for a piece. Resolvable against /v2/colors.
    • stats (object, optional) - Contains detailed information on the weapon stats.
      • id (number) - The id of the wepons stats. Resolvable against /v2/itemstats.
      • attributes (object) - Contains the weapon attributes in the form of key value pairs with the key being the attribute name and the value itself.
  • equipment_pvp (object) - Contains the following key-value pairs:
    • amulet (number) - resolve id against v2/pvp/amulets.
    • rune (number) - resolve id against v2/items.
    • sigils (array of numbers) - resolve ids against v2/items. Will contain nulls for unequipped items.
      • Sigils are provided in the order [<primary weapon sigil 1>, <secondary weapon sigil 1>, <primary weapon sigil 2>, <secondary weapon sigil 2>].
    "tab": 1,
    "name": "Example Response Equipment",
    "is_active": true,
    "equipment": [
        "id": 1062,
        "slot": "Coat",
        "location": "Equipped",
        "dyes": [
        "id": 3187,
        "slot": "Boots",
        "skin": 74,
        "location": "Equipped",
        "dyes": [
        "id": 6461,
        "slot": "Leggings",
        "binding": "Character",
        "bound_to": "<Character Name>",
        "location": "Equipped",
        "dyes": [
        "id": 2258,
        "slot": "Shoulders",
        "binding": "Character",
        "bound_to": "<Character Name>",
        "location": "Equipped",
        "dyes": [
        "id": 39229,
        "slot": "Accessory1",
        "binding": "Account",
        "location": "Equipped"
        "id": 26252,
        "slot": "WeaponA1",
        "location": "Equipped"
        "id": 32399,
        "slot": "WeaponA2",
        "location": "Equipped"
        "id": 30704,
        "slot": "WeaponB1",
        "upgrades": [
        "infusions": [
        "binding": "Account",
        "location": "Equipped",
        "stats": {
          "id": 161,
          "attributes": {
            "Power": 251,
            "Precision": 179,
            "CritDamage": 179
    "equipment_pvp": {
     "amulet": 13,
     "rune": 21192,
     "sigils": [


Returns an array of strings marking each hero point obtained by the character. Can be checked against entries skill_challenges in /v2/continents maps.


  • bags (array) - Contains one object structure per bag in the character's inventory
    • id (integer) - The bag's item id which can be resolved against /v2/items
    • size (integer) - The amount of slots available with this bag.
    • inventory (array) - Contains one object structure per item, object is null if no item is in the given bag slot.
      • id (integer) - The item id which can be resolved against /v2/items
      • count (integer) - Amount of item in the stack. Minium of 1, maximum of 250.
      • charges (integer) (optional) - The number of charges on an item.
      • infusions (array) (optional) - returns an array of infusion item ids which can be resolved against /v2/items
      • upgrades (array) (optional) - returns an array of upgrade component item ids which can be resolved against /v2/items
      • skin (integer) (optional) - Skin id for the given equipment piece. Can be resolved against /v2/skins
      • stats (object) (optional) - Contains information on the stats chosen if the item offers an option for stats/prefix.
        • id (integer) - The itemstat id, can be resolved against /v2/itemstats.
        • attributes (object) - Contains a summary of the stats on the item.
          • Power (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of power given
          • Precision (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Precision given
          • Toughness (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Toughness given
          • Vitality (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Vitality given
          • Condition Damage (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Condition Damage given
          • Condition Duration (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Condition Duration given
          • Healing (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Healing Power given
          • BoonDuration (integer) (optional) - Shows the amount of Boon Duration given
      • dyes (array of numbers) (optional) - Array of selected dyes for the equipment piece. Values default to null if no dye is selected. Colors can be resolved against v2/colors
      • binding (string) (optional) - describes which kind of binding the item has. Possible values:
        • Character
        • Account
      • bound_to (string) (optional, only if character bound) - Name of the character the item is bound to.


An array of strings representing quest IDs pertaining to the quests selected during a character's story progression. References /v2/quests.


The endpoint returns an object with an array in the recipes key, each value being the ID of a recipe that can be resolved against /v2/recipes. The returned recipes describe what the particular character can craft, with respect to their individual crafting professions and levels.


The endpoint returns an object with zones, unlocks, and songs attributes, describing what that character has done/unlocked within Super Adventure Box.

Each object under zones has the following attributes:

  • id (number) - An internal ID that uniquely identifies a zone by world, zone, and mode.
  • mode (string) - The mode used when completing this zone. One of: infantile, normal, tribulation.
  • world (number) - The world this zone is in.
  • zone (number) - The zone's number.

Each object under unlocks has the following attributes:

  • id (number) - An internal ID that uniquely identifies an unlock.
  • name (string, optional) - An unlocalized string describing the unlock. Valid values include:
chain_stick, slingshot, whip, mini_bomb, candle, torch, wooden_whistle, digger, nice_scoop, glove_of_wisdom, bauble_purse, bauble_tote_bag, moto_breath, moto_finger, health_vessel_1, health_vessel_2, medium_health_potion

Each object under songs has the following attributes:

  • id (number) - An internal ID that uniquely identifies a song.
  • name (string) - An unlocalized string describing the song. Valid values include:
secret_song, gatekeeper_lullaby, shatter_serenade


  • skills (object) - contains the pve, pvp, and wvw objects for the current utilities equipped.
    • pve (object) - contains the information on each slotted utility for PvE
      • heal (integer) - contains the skill id for the heal skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • utilities (array of integers) - each integer corresponds to a skill id for the equipped utilities, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • elite (integer) - contains the skill id for the elite skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • legends (array of strings) (Revenant only) - each string corresponds to a Revenant legend, resolvable against /v2/legends.
    • pvp (object) - contains the information on each slotted utility for PvP
      • heal (integer) - contains the skill id for the heal skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • utilities (array of integers) - each integer corresponds to a skill id for the equipped utilities, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • elite (integer) - contains the skill id for the elite skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • legends (array of strings) (Revenant only) - each string corresponds to a Revenant legend, resolvable against /v2/legends.
    • wvw (object) - contains the information on each slotted utility for WvW
      • heal (integer) - contains the skill id for the heal skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • utilities (array of integers) - each integer corresponds to a skill id for the equipped utilities, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • elite (integer) - contains the skill id for the elite skill, resolvable against /v2/skills.
      • legends (array of strings) (Revenant only) - each string corresponds to a Revenant legend, resolvable against /v2/legends.


  • specializations (object) - contains the pve, pvp, and wvw objects for the current specializations and traits equipped.
    • pve (array) - contains the information on each slotted specialization and trait for PvE
      • id (integer) - Specialization id, can be resolved against /v2/specializations.
      • traits (array of integers) - returns ids for each selected trait, can be resolved against /v2/traits.
    • pvp (array) - contains the information on each slotted specialization and trait for PvP
      • id (integer) - Specialization id, can be resolved against /v2/specializations.
      • traits (array of integers) - returns ids for each selected trait, can be resolved against /v2/traits.
    • wvw (array) - contains the information on each slotted specialization and trait for WvW
      • id (integer) - Specialization id, can be resolved against /v2/specializations.
      • traits (array of integers) - returns ids for each selected trait, can be resolved against /v2/traits.


  • training (array) - contains objects for each skill tree trained
    • id (integer) - Skill tree id, can be compared against the training section for each /v2/professions.
    • spent (integer) - Shows how many hero points have been spent in this tree
    • done (boolean - true/false) - States whether or not the tree is fully trained.