- Level:
- Exp:
- Skill Points:
- Homeland:
- Age:
- Birthday: Guild wars calander date ( any campaign)
- Celestial: Name of Celestial
- Backstory Line 1
- Backstory line 2
- Status: Single
- Armor Sets:
- Equipment Sets:
- Pet:
- Pet's Name:
- Crafting Disciplines:
| character=Your Character's Name
| prof1={{w}} <-- You must have the "{{x}}" around the "x" (x= letter or forst 2 of the prof)
| prof2={{en}}
| profession=Warrior <- MUST be a prof here, Capital Letter 1st
| profession2=Engineer < Must be a Profession here if you want the box</br> to be2 colours, otherwise it is (prof1 and grey).
| skill points=
| other1= (Backstory)
| level=1-20
| homeland=
| age=21
| Exp=
| armor=
| equipment=
| status=
| pet=n (change to "y" if there is a pet)
| pet type= (and Level)
| pet name=
| other2=
| Crafting=