User:Karasu/Dynamic Events
Known Dynamic Events[edit]
Defending Shaemoor (level 1) [R: 50 karma, 50 bronze] Protect the people of Shaemoor.
- Talk to Sergeant Walters.
- Go to the Garrison.
- Help defend the Garrison.
- [[Defend the Garrison]]. (level 1)
- Centaurs defeated : (progress bar icon) + Boss
- 1 (won) -> Centaur Boss summons an Earth Elemental
- Defeat the greater earth elemental hand per hand
- 1 (won) -> Knocked unconscious by the blast for few days
- Different characters will have visited you based on personal story
- [[Defend the Garrison]]. (level 1)
On The Mend [PERSONAL] Return home to Divinity's Reach and check in old friends.
- Talk to Petra
- Bar Brawl, you need to defend Petra and her Father
- Talk to Faren (noble)
- Party in your honor, attacked by bandits, Faren is kidnapped
[[Talk to watchman Rebec]] [noble?]
[[Kill the Drake Broodmother]] by Fisherman Travis
Centaurs attack a fort (see above quest for official description)
- Drive them outside : Earth Elemental
- Drive them to their camp
- Drive them across the bridge
- Blow up the bridge
(event will take longer to get back the further they are, centaurs need to group up again)
Fisherman attacked by the Broodmother
- Continues fishing when slain
Gather watermelons for a farmer
- changes to: Save the farm from rabbits
- won: Buy watermelons (passive stat-buff)
Gather apples for a local farmer
Commoner questchain -> bar brawl
Noble questchain -> help someone with a horse
Bandit raids
- Bandits attack large waterpipes
- if the pipes are destroyed, Workers try to repair, Bandits attack Workers
- fail: Town doesn't have water, new quests unfold
- OR : the bandit quest might not happen at all
(scaling detail: 3-4 players - 4-5 bandits | 12 players - 20 bandits)
Save orphanage or save the hospital (Personal, commoner only)
- Attacked by Bandits. Only time to save one.
- Trigger: Kill deer in the forest
- Predator who feed on deer will come to attack the villages
Shadow Behemoth [Group Quest]
- Epic boss battle from screenshots is around Queensdale, near the lvl 1 area (boss deals 2400+ dmg)
Explore Blazeridge Steppes (DEMO)
- Speak to Explorer .. in Refuge Sanctum
[Group Event] Retake Steeleye Span
- Branded Minion Population 0-100%
- Keep Tribune Soulgrip alive.
- Revive Tribune Soulgrip. (When he's downed)
Complete the challenges presented by Ref' Sparkeeper
- Event Failed
Gather harpy glands for Walk's perfume project (love potion)
- Turn in x Harpy Glands with the whole group
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