Skillname=31675 = Start of combat? boons cleared the first time this procs
Start of invuln/eating phase: Skillname=38199 or 38136. 38199 includes the Targeted player
End of phase: Skillname="Fanatical Resilience" AND Is_BuffRemove="MANUAL" (or "ALL"). Not sure what happens if it lasts the full 15 secs
So: Get list of times at which invuln started. Get list of times it ended. Get all CC skills in the middle. How to account for Basi venom and stuff like it?
Vale Guardian[edit]
Magic Storm is the skill with Defiance bar. Is_Activate="NORMAL" for start, Is_Activate="CANCEL_CANCEL" for end.
Split phases: Skillname="Invulnerability" AND Is_BuffRemove="NONE" for start. Is_BuffRemove="ALL" or "MANUAL" for end.
Skillname=34113 is start of 50% phase.
Skillname=35002 is end of 50% phase.
Skillname=34997 is the skill used to teleport players to the Platforms, and has Destination= to each player being teleported
Skillname="Hero's Return" is the effect given to players when returning from the platforms
Skillname="Summon Fragment" is CC phase. Is_Activate="NORMAL" is start, Is_Activate="CANCEL_CANCEL" is end.
Soulless Horror[edit]
Skillname="Death Bloom" - This is the 8-slice attack
Skillname=48662 is the CC phase cast. 6.8 seconds to break. Is_Activate="NORMAL" is start, Is_Activate="CANCEL_CANCEL" is end.
Value of "CANCEL_CANCEL" is how long it took to break
Skillname="Narcolepsy" is purely the SLEEP ANIMATION
Is_BuffRemove="NONE" -> Start of CC phase
Is_BuffRemove="MANUAL" or "ALL" -> End of CC phase. 120000 - Value = Duration (ms) he slept for. There is a "wind-up" period before the CC bar actually appears, probably 3830 ms
Skillname=34515 is the actual CC bar appearance? Is_Activate="NORMAL"+3830 [VALUE] is start. Is_Activate="CANCEL_FIRE" is end, Total Duration = Value-3830
Keep Construct[edit]
Xera's Embrace is removed when CC phase starts
Gains Determined when CC ends
Skillname: 35024 is something. His jump skill? If Value=~3.4, he's using it as an attack. If Value=~2.0, he's using it to escape pre-burn 1