User:Drunken Bulldog/Ka Mates

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Ka Mates [KT][edit]

Ka Mates [KT]
No image available.svg
Territory Borlis Pass
Language English
Type PvX
No. of members 13

Ka Mates is a group of adult gamers formerly part of Drunken Legion in GW1 and currently part of The Parenthood [EPT] in GW2. EPT includes members from the ages of 13 to 40+ (most of which are parents).

Our collective goal as a guild is nothing more than to provide a fun place for people to unwind and make new friends. That being said, we are a PvX guild for we do not ever focus solely on one aspect of the game.

Guild Structure[edit]

The Parenthood is governed by our Dinh. The guild leader ultimately decides the direction of the guild based on the needs of its members. The officers are members who choose to accept a higher level of responsibility within the guild.

Members have a strong voice within the guild, but (as opposed to officers) are free to do what they like as long as they abide by the below mentioned rules and requirements.

Guild Rules & Requirements[edit]

The following rules and requirements in the guild exist solely to help aid communication and cohesion within it's structure:


  • One: All members are required to be registered in the The Parenthood forums.
  • Two: All members are required to have (and be able to at least hear) Vent.


  • One: There are no racial remarks (hateful talk) allowed. There are no exceptions made.
  • Two: There is no buying, selling, trading for profit, bartering for services, ect. allowed within the guild or alliance. We are a family. We share.

Contact Information[edit]

{{alliance nav
| Guild1  = The Parenthood