- Update Date: 9th May 2013
- Current Status: Active
- Elementalist
- Level 27, Norn
- Gender:
- Birthday: January 2013
- Age: 12 years and 35 days
- I'm Adena Fireraven
- Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with charm. Raven, my spirit guide, teaches that there's a time for action and a time for thought.
- I work hard to maintain my physical strength and prowess. And yet, in the past, I have been foolish. I wagered Romke's Horn, an ancestral heirloom with magical properties, on a test of strength. I was overconfident, but I'm determined to get it back.
- I;m an elementalist, and I study all the elements. I wear a gem that symbolizes my love of fire.
- This is my story.