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Use caustic grenades to weaken extractors

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Use caustic grenades to weaken extractors

Interactive map

Interactive map

Use caustic grenades to weaken extractors is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Defiled Cradle at Secondary Extractors.


  • North Extractor Strength
    Event bar.jpg
  • Central Extractor Strength
    Event bar.jpg
  • South Extractor Strength
    Event bar.jpg
  • Eparch's reinforcements arrive in: 12:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Talk to Chemical Engineer Strumm to gain charges of  Drop Bomb.png Throw Caustic Grenade. Use them onto the Extractor Node Clusters to break their defiance bar and strip Tar Shield.png Mucus Membrane. Then you can destroy them with  Fireball Skyscale.png Fireball or any ranged attacks.






Talking to Strumm for the first time
Chemical Engineer Strumm: Wayfinder. Good. These towers represent the perfect location for my latest development. You like weapons, right? Everyone likes weapons.
Talk more option tango.png Where's this going?
I've made a caustic concoction that I suspect can weaken the protective membranes on the nodes that dot these extractor towers. Since they're smaller extractors, it might just be enough to work!
Talk more option tango.png So you want me to test the concoction?
Test implies the possibility of failure, Wayfinder. Use the caustic grenades to dissolve the membrane, then use your skyscale to destroy the nodes underneath!
Talk ready option.png I can do that.
Great! Here's a few I made already, along with a canister that can reconstitute the acid from essence you get from the Kryptis turrets.
Talk end option tango.png I'll get to work.
Talk end option tango.png I'll pass.
Talk end option tango.png Did you say "membrane"? I think I'll pass.
Talk end option tango.png Better if I don't get roped into this.
Talking to Strumm afterwards
Chemical Engineer Strumm: Wayfinder. Good. These towers represent the perfect location for my latest development. You like weapons, right? Everyone likes weapons.
Talk ready option.png Do you have any more grenades I could use?
Here's a few more. But the canister I gave you can reconstitute acid from essence you get from the Kryptis turrets. After you destroy them, of course.
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it.
Talk end option tango.png Better if I don't get roped into this.
Approaching the event
Chemical Engineer Strumm: If there are any Astral Ward in the area, we've got extractor towers here that we need to disable immediately.
Clearing an extractor
Chemical Engineer Strumm: That worked beautifully! Even in another realm entirely, chemistry always does the trick.
Event success
Chemical Engineer Strumm: Another problem, conquered by the practical application of—oh no, they sent a big one!
Event failure
Chemical Engineer Strumm: They've sent their reinforcements! I'm falling back for now; we'll have to do another field test later!


  • The event chain restart after ~6 minutes from this event's failure or success of the next event.

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