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Track down the missing tengu, Tateo

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Track down the missing tengu, Tateo is a level 80 event in the Echovald Wilds.


  • Saya
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Question the witness for any clues they might expose.
  • Clues investigated at the First Search Site
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Clues investigated at the Second Search Site
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Clues investigated at the Third Search Site
    Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • After the Archery Contest in Mori Village is finished, wait by Saya for a couple minutes until this event starts, then escort them north.
  • At each stop, there will be a witness and several objects that can be inspected. Determine if each object is evidence that supports what the witness states happened to Tateo. Choosing evidence that supports the idea that they were attacked by a large animal, and discarding other evidence, will advance the progress bar. Choosing evidence that implies something else will cause you to be immediately attacked, and you will gain no progress.





Relevant clues
Irrelevant clues


Event start
Mori Scout: Saya! I just spotted one of your students in the forest. They slipped away when I called out.
Meisa: The forest? Alone? No. Tateo? TATEO! ...This is my fault.
Saya: Yes, it is. But that's not important right now. I'll go after them.
Saya: Tateo...? If you're out there, come talk to me!
Saya: We need to find that fledgling before anything happens.
Saya: But maybe we're too late... Need to sweep the area for clues.
Meeting Ena
Saya: Ena, I'm trying to find Tateo. They ran away from home, and I think something's happened to them.
Ena: I've been tracking something big moving through the underbush. Like it was trying to stay out of sight.
Ena: Maybe it has them?
After completing the search at the first search site
Saya: Something has them. We need to hurry.
Arriving at the second search site
Saya: No sign of them. Well, maybe we can find some more clues as to what happened.
Meeting Zephyria
Saya: Hello, did you see one of our fledglings run this way?
Zephyria: Yes, a few minutes ago⁠—an animal dragged them off. I tried to chase, but they disappeared.
Zephyria: I wish I could tell you what sort of animal it was, but I'm not familiar with the local fauna...
After completing the search at the second search site
Saya: Still alive when they left this area...
Arriving at the third search site
Saya: Tateo! If you can hear me, make some noise!
Meeting the Xunlai Jade Scientist
Saya: Have you seen any of the village fledglings around out here?
Xunlai Jade Scientist: Yes, just a few minutes ago. Fighting something off.
Xunlai Jade Scientist: It didn't look like the kid was winning... I'm sorry. They ran off before I could intervene.
Event completion
(If Champion Kirin)
Saya: So it was a kirin...
(If Champion White Tiger)
Saya: So it was a tiger...
(If Champion Wallow)
Saya: So it was a wallow...
Saya: What would cause them to try to prey on one of us? No time to think about that now⁠—it seems they went...
Saya: That way! Let's go!

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