Thin out the dredge to prevent them from expanding to the surface

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Thin out the dredge to prevent them from expanding to the surface

Interactive map

Interactive map path

Thin out the dredge to prevent them from expanding to the surface is a level 51 dynamic event that starts in The Iron Veil and continues into Molodets Excavation.


  • Escort the norn into the mines.
  • Dredge controllers killed: x/2
  • Revive fallen companions.: x/3


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 4,065 Experience.png 248 Karma 58 Copper coin
Silver 3,455 Experience.png 211 Karma 49 Copper coin
Bronze 3,049 Experience.png 186 Karma 43 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 51 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Bretta: The dredge need to understand that this is our land. Let's head into their mines and settle them down.
In the mines
Arte: Look at this place! I didn't know the dredge had such massive mining operations.
Bretta: Their workers are everywhere!
Werendar: We can't give up now. Keep pushing forward!
Encountering the Controllers
Dredge Controller: You'll never defeat my people!
Dredge Controller: You may knock us down, but we'll always stand back up!
Dredge Controller: (pants) I'm willing to die for these mines! Are you?
Dredge Controller: This isn't over. It will never be over!
Event success
Bretta: Whew, that's all of them.
Werendar: (laugh) I hardly worked up a sweat! Maybe, if their machines were bigger—
Arte: Hey, don't give them any ideas! Now, let's head back for some rest. The dredge won't stay down for long.


  • The dredge controller makes reference to the old Hasbro Weeble toys - "You may knock us down, but we'll always stand back up! We're like Weebles" - although the latter part of his statement does not display in the chat.