Living World Season 4 content

The Grace of Melandru

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The Grace of Melandru

Other images

Book (bundle).jpg

As a bundle when picking up in The Astralarium.

Shelved Book (Sun's Refuge).jpg

Shelved in the Sun's Refuge.

The Grace of Melandru map.jpg

Location in Jahai Bluffs.

The Grace of Melandru is a book found in the Astralarium in the Domain of Istan and at the Reclaimed Chantry in Jahai Bluffs. After it has been returned to its corresponding bookshelf in the library, its contents can be read by interacting with it.


Crystal Desert

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Help the cause of dissenting Astralarium scholars (80)


# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Rush (boot icon).png Book It 15 You move faster!


The Grace of Melandru

The next time you step outside, be sure to take a moment to listen. Do you hear that?

That is the sound of Melandru, speaking to you through the wind, the leaves, and the grass. Pay careful attention, and you may be able to understand her words of wisdom.

Experience the full measure of Melandru's grace in this meditative exercise book, co-authored by twelve of her priests and priestesses throughout Tyria. Explore the value of nature walks, capture the beauty of her bounty with step-by-step leaf drawing exercises, and stop to smell the roses as you venture outside the comforts of your home and step into Melandru's own.

When you can see, feel, and hear her beauty all around you, perhaps you'll also come to appreciate the beauty within yourself.

Related achievements[edit]


  • Once collected as an item during the Readathon collection, it will appear in Sun's Refuge.