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This template creates an icon for the type of currency. Each currency is defined in a separate template. This template is not meant to be use directly if the currency is defined in its own template. If the currency isn't defined, a default currency icon is generated.




1 (unnamed parameter)
Value of currency to prefix to the icon.
2 (unnamed parameter)
Name of the currency article. This is the article the icon links to.
3 (unnamed parameter)
If the currency is coin, setting this to anything will force display of 0 value gold, silver, and copper coins.
Optional. The file to use as the icon, include the extension.
Optional. If set, this parameter will display the name of the item.

Predefined currencies[edit]

Currency Code Icon
Astral Acclaim {{astral acclaim}} Astral Acclaim
Coin {{coin}} Copper coin
Copper {{copper}} Copper coin
Silver {{silver}} Silver coin
Gold {{gold}} Gold coin
Experience {{experience}} Experience.png
Gem {{gem}} Gem
Glory {{glory}} Glory
Guild Commendation {{guild commendation}} Guild Commendation
Influence {{influence}} Influence
Favor {{favor}} Favor
Karma {{karma}} Karma
Laurel {{laurel}} Laurel
Spirit Shard {{spirit shard}} Spirit Shard
Supply {{supply}} Supply


Currency Code Icon
Example {{currency|5|Nonexistent page|icon=Karma.png}} Nonexistent page
Coin {{currency|123|coin}} Silver coin 23 Copper coin
Glob of Ectoplasm {{currency|5|Glob of Ectoplasm}} Glob of Ectoplasm

See also[edit]