Talk:Tales of the Lowland Wisps

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For whatever reason I can't seem to progress from 10 onward. They're just not spawning? Might have a daily limit or something

11, 12, and 13 don't seem to be working properly. I'm *certain* that I've done at least number 11, I vividly remember trailing that wisp from that location, but the objective didn't get checked off in the achievement. I double checked the locations shown and there of course are no wisps there now. And for some reason I was able to continue on with the final four objectives. So right now for me the achievement is stalled due to objectives 11-13. Hindbrain (talk) 21:16, 23 August 2024 (UTC)
I think there's a bug where you're not supposed to start the wisps from steps 9+ until you've completed step 8 (Meet with Valiant Aria at Loch Lucent), however, I found one of those wisps (step 11) and I talked to them BEFORE they were active in the collection, which rendered that specific wisp unavailable later on when I did have the collection active.
However, I went back the next day or so, and it was available again, so maybe if this happens to you, try again another day. Still think it's bugged though. - Lineste (talk) 20:08, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
This bug was fixed in today's patch (28 August 2024). Removing bug from the page now. - Lineste (talk) 08:00, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Three of the wisps in Hibernation Grotto at the end are interactable, and they will spin around you if you do so, but I can't see a purpose to it other than that so far. Orenwolf (talk) 04:17, 29 August 2024 (UTC)

It seems that step 5, the wisp at Harvest Shore is bugged as the wisp stops in the middle of the route and nothing can be done to continue (Nuxx (talk) 17:00, 24 October 2024 (UTC))

More to that, the place the wisp stuck and so on cannot use Blink or be telported too with other skills. it seems the land there are bugged and that what causing the wisp to be stuck (Nuxx (talk) 17:11, 24 October 2024 (UTC))

15 January 2025: Bug at step 5 is gone! Need to rewrite article. Achievement can be completed to the end.