Talk:Alchemic Spillway

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What I am writing for CoE descriptions is mostly guesswork, but this one is probably the most tenuous.

The definition of spillway applies to floodgates and dams, which doesn't really work here in CoE's context. CoE is an analogue to the modern day nuclear reactor. During story mode, the reactor does leak, but it's not a leak in a fluid sense (that I can tell). Were that true, and a substantial amount of contaminated fluid was generated, it would start to flow in the direction dictated by gravity. The spillway heads down to the lowest part of the facility, so it makes sense that this is an intentional control method to keep reactor contamination out of the upper levels.

While I was writing up The Aquarium, I noticed its proximity to the reactor area, and thought about the general path the water would take if the sea started to break through. With Agent Spire's comments about the facility flooding after the S. S. Cuttlefish puts a hole in the wall, the idea of the spillway as a fluid control started to make more sense. SarielV 20 x 20px 17:03, 6 June 2016 (UTC)