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Suwash is a quaggan trying to overthrow Captain Jetsam and take control of his crew so that Koolookuu can be safe.
Event involvement[edit]
- Start of the meta An Unlikely Pirate
- Foo! Quaggan wants to be a pirate, but the pirates made fun of quaggan. Said quaggan couldn't join.
- Quaggan wants to be strong. All quaggan's life quaggan has been told to hide and cower when attacked. Quaggan is tired of being a quaggan.
- Why won't the pirates let you join? (Same as below)
- Good-bye.
Why do you want to be a pirate?
- The pirates said quaggan was too slow, couldn't fight, and wasn't smart. They never gave quaggan a chance. Quaggan can be strong. Quaggan just needs the opportunity.
- Why do you want to be a pirate? (Same as above)
- Good-bye.
Why won't the pirates let you join?
- Good-bye.
- If there are crewmasters to be defeated
- Pirates reject quaggan? Foo! Quaggan will be a pirate if it's the last thing quaggan does! Please help quaggan by defeating the Jetsam crewmasters.
- Captain Jetsam runs the pirates with the help of four crewmasters. If the crewmasters are beaten, then quaggan can force the captain to listen and let quaggan join!
- Why do you want to be a pirate? (Same as below)
- Why won't the pirates let you join? (Same as below)
- Good-bye.
How will defeating the crewmasters help?
- Quaggan wants to be strong. All quaggan's life quaggan has been told to hide and cower when attacked. Quaggan is tired of being a quaggan.
- How will defeating the crewmasters help? (Same as above)
- Why won't the pirates let you join? (Same as below)
- Good-bye.
Why do you want to be a pirate?
- The pirates said quaggan was too slow, couldn't fight, and wasn't smart. They never gave quaggan a chance. Quaggan can be strong. Quaggan just needs the opportunity.
- How will defeating the crewmasters help? (Same as above)
- Why do you want to be a pirate? (Same as above)
- Good-bye.
Why won't the pirates let you join?
- Help quaggan defeat the crewmasters and the captain, quaggan will make sure pirates won't attack you.
- So, how will defeating the crewmasters help? (Same as above)
- Why do you want to be a pirate? (Same as above)
- Why won't the pirates let you join? (Same as above)
- I'll think about it.
Why should I help you?
- Good-bye.
- If the meta succeeded
- Coo! Quaggan is so excited! Not only is quaggan a pirate, quaggan is a pirate captain. Quaggan is so lucky quaggan can't believe it!
- Oho! Good question. Quaggan hadn't thought beyond making the pirates be nice. Maybe the pirates have ideas.
- Why did you want to be a pirate? (Same as below)
What are you going to do now?
- Quaggan spent most of quaggan's life being afraid. Now, quaggan in charge! Quaggan's strong! Quaggan has friends! And all of quaggan's friends will be nice. Coo!
- So, what's your next move, captain? (Same as above)
- Good-bye.
Why did you want to be a pirate?
- (If The Dreamer III: The Lover is active)
- Suwash's Dream) I'm glad that you have achieved your dream. (Gives
- Take care, captain.
- If the meta failed
- Foo! Quaggan was so close to quaggan's dream, but it's all gone. Quaggan will try again, but it's going to take time for quaggan to build up enough courage.
- Quaggan's dream is to be a pirate. Quaggan got help from adventurers and everything, but it wasn't enough to force the pirates to accept quaggan. Foo!
- Well, maybe next time.
What happened?
- Sorry to hear that.
- If you helped Suwash become a pirate and Frenzy III: Rage collection is active
- You helped quaggan. Please take this symbol of quaggan's appreciation. (Gives Koolookuu Friendship Bracelet)
- Thank you.
- HellooOOoo.
- Stay. Eat. Be well.
- He is likely based on Suwash from the original Guild Wars, who also wanted to be a pirate.