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Stop informants from delivering spy reports to the raven posts

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Stop informants from delivering spy reports to the raven posts

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop informants from delivering spy reports to the raven posts is a level 80 event that occurs in The Bonestrand.


  • Spy reports delivered: x/3
  • Ravens return to roost in: x:xx


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start
Awakened Observer: It's time to see who is really loyal to the clanmarshal. I have eyes and ears in the village.
Awakened Observer: They'll return soon. Go to your posts and wait for their reports.
During event
Village Dissenter (1): The Bonestrand just isn't what it used to be. The clanmarshal and vizier promised prosperity, but it hasn't happened.
Village Dissenter (2): The clanmarshal used to be one of us. I thought he'd fix things.
Village Dissenter (1): Exactly. He used to visit all the time and listen to our concerns. Now I can't remember the last time I saw him.
Village Dissenter (2): He's holed up in the palace, and we're barely surviving down here! He's out of touch.
Village Dissenter (1): I hate to say it, but maybe it's time we do something about it.
Village Dissenter (2): Quiet! Are you trying to get us both exiled?
Village Dissenter (1): Did you hear that old Mosi was exiled to work up north of the wall?
Village Dissenter (2): But he's so kind! He used to tell me silly fables about Kormir when I was little.
Village Dissenter (1): Me too. It was his belief in Kormir that got him exiled. They found a secret shrine in his home.
Village Dissenter (2): He really believed in Kormir? I thought he was just trying to scare us to make sure we followed King Joko.
Village Dissenter (1): Even so, he's too elderly to be a threat to anyone. The clanmarshal has gone too far.
Village Dissenter (2): Of course I agree, but keep it quiet. I miss him, but I don't want to get exiled with him!
Village Dissenter (1): The clanmarshal is going too far. Why won't he let us live in peace?
Village Dissenter (2): There is no peace! The Forged have all but cut us off from Vabbi, and from the rest of Elona.
Village Dissenter (1): Why can't they stop the flow of Forged at the source?
Village Dissenter (2): I don't know. Maybe that's why the clanmarshal is sending troops south.
Village Dissenter (1): But that would sacrifice our safety, just to guard the other domains...
Village Dissenter (2): I hadn't thought about it that way. Both the clanmarshal and the vizier need to answer for this!
Village Dissenter (1): My drakehound is agitated lately. Always barking at something.
Village Dissenter (2): Do you think there's some kind of anti-Joko uprising happening?
Village Dissenter (1): Here? No, King Joko has always taken care of us. Local leadership, on the other hand...
Village Dissenter (2): Clanmarshal Geddi has been awful heavy-handed lately, right?
Village Dissenter (1): Heavy-handed, and tightfisted. We have less help in the fields and fewer Awakened guards to keep us safe!
Village Dissenter (1): I know this sounds crazy but I think I saw some Awakened creeping around the fields.
Village Dissenter (2): What? Why would Awakened spy on us?
Village Dissenter (1): I don't think they were spying. Looked like they had poisons and fire accelerants.
Village Dissenter (2): But why? What would they need that for? Pests?
Village Dissenter (1): I don't know! I just know what I saw!
Village Dissenter (2): I don't know what to believe. You should talk with Vadik. He'll know what to do.
Village Dissenter (1): Vadik and Zuri were arguing about our leaders again.
Village Dissenter (1): Zuri feels the clanmarshal has betrayed us. Vadik needs more evidence to be convinced.
Village Dissenter (2): Politics was never my cup of tea. I just want to live my life and work in the fields without any trouble.
Village Dissenter (1): There's already been trouble! You can't ignore all the problems around here forever.
Village Dissenter (2): (sigh) I guess you're right. I'll do whatever's best for Purity. This is my home.
If Village Dissenters are heard by an informant
One of:
Veteran Awakened Informant: Now we see who the dissenters are!
Veteran Awakened Informant: The clanmarshal will exile you both!
Veteran Awakened Informant: Plotting against the clanmarshal? You'll regret this!
One of:
Village Dissenter (1): We've been found out! Stop them!
Village Dissenter (1): We've been heard!
Village Dissenter (1): We've been spied on!
One of:
Village Dissenter (2): Oh no! Someone stop that informant!
Village Dissenter (2): An informant! Don't let them get away!
Village Dissenter (2): No, that informant heard us!
Event success or failure
Awakened Observer: There's just not enough solid intelligence to know what the people in Purity are thinking. For now, at least.
Awakened Observer: We're Awakened—time's on our side. If there's dissent, we'll track it down eventually.