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Sibaha is an Elonian skimmer rancher who used to work for Skimmer Trainer Ardra before running off with several of her skimmers. Following her trail helps to unlock the fifth mastery for skimmers.
- Lion's Arch
- Inner Harbor (after completing the 15th step of Finding Sibaha)
- Mount Maelstrom
- The Mire Sea
- On the central tower, second highest platform
- The Mire Sea
Adventure involvement[edit]
Mount Maelstrom[edit]
- Speaking to her for the first time
- Hey! You. Let me out of here!
- Um. Have we met?
- Yes. I'm actually me. And I'd ask who you are, but I'm a lot more interested in whether you're here to get me out of this cage. One of the nearby krait should have a key. Can you help?
So it's actually you?
- On it.
- After the above dialogue
- Find a key yet?
- Well, just playing the odds, but seems more likely a powerful krait would have one.
- Fair enough.
The key could really be on ANY of them?
- Thank you. Impressive work, dealing with those krait. Turns out they were a waste of my time. Nowhere near as informative as observing Aaminah.
- Ardra wants her skimmers.
- I suppose she told you I stole them. And, well, that's technically accurate. But it's not what it looks like. And I'll prove it.
- It's not about me. I want the skimmers to THRIVE. THe knowledge I've gained, the experts I've consulted, the training techniques I've implemented... Meet me in Lion's Arch at my new camp. You'll see.
- I promise you, it'll all make sense when you see the skimmers in Lion's Arch.
- It better, or there'll be consequences.
If I don't, I'm taking those skimmers with me.
- Sure. In Lion's Arch, then.
Good idea. Because it looks like you're a thief.
You have no idea how hard I had to look for you.
Yes. Here.
- Hold on a moment.
- After the above dialogue
- See you in Lion's Arch.
- Right.
Lion's Arch[edit]
- Speaking to her for the first time
- Ah. Glad to see you made it.
- Lionguard let me set up on the beach here—it's not much...yet. Once people see what the skimmers can do, I've no doubt we'll be able to upgrade the facilities to ensure skimmers are never endangered.
- You ask too many questions. Hop on one. Find out. See if you can earn silver on the course. Then you'll understand.
- I don't have time for this.
Enough hinting. What CAN they do?
All right, what's this all about?
- After the above
- Earn at least silver on my little training course here, and I'll believe you have learned what you need to.
- All right, let's go.
- I had several theories on helping the skimmers. Ardra never listened. Jonnick, Kall, Laamaa—even Zommoros—their information nudged me in the right direction. And once I saw Aaminah in the water...
- She was incredible. Scientifically speaking. Even now I continue to refer to my notes on her. They're extensive. I should visit her again. She...
- It's always about the bottom line with her. Not only will I compensate her, but she stands to gain quite a bit given that the demand for skimmers is about to skyrocket.
- I'll pay, but I won't apologize! If I hadn't "stolen" them, Ardra would be hoarding the last of a dying species, all for fear of "risking her investment." I wasn't going to let that happen!
- Fair enough.
You did steal from her...
- I hope it works out.
Fascinating. For you. But what about Ardra's skimmers?
- I'll leave you to your notes.
She seemed...intrigued by your attention.
- I see.
So you put this all together from the people you met?
- As if I'm interested in talking to that glorified trash trader any more than necessary. I learned more about hydrodynamics watching toxic fulpers mate. That Miyani does all the real work anyway.
- He gets me nice stuff. Sometimes.
Zommoros was hoping you'd stay away.
- Not now.
- After completing silver
- Hey, impressive. You're a quick study. And now that you've seen how my skimmers move, you should be able to teach your own with a bit of effort.
- I'd like to try the course again.
- Business is rapidly picking up. People saw you on the course, which helped. Gold's coming in. Black Lion Trading Company came by to ask questions. Most importantly, the skimmers are healthy and happy!
- Good luck.
So, how's the ranch doing?
- So you put this all together from the people you met? (same as above)
- Zommoros was hoping you'd stay away. (same as above)
- She checked in with me. Or her representatives have, to be more accurate.
- All right, then.
Have you checked in with Ardra?
- Nice.
- "Sibaha" (سباحة) is the Arabic word for 'swimming'.
Related achievements[edit]
Crystal Desert: Finding Sibaha (11 )