Sergeant Kopp

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Sergeant Kopp


Interactive map

Sergeant Kopp is a member of the Ebon Vanguard serving under Lieutenant Besker at the Ebon Vanguard camp Forlorn Hope in Hautclaire Vale.



Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Defend Forlorn Hope from the ogres (31)
Event flag (tango icon).png Recapture Forlorn Hope from the ogres (31)
Event fist (tango icon).png Defend Forlorn Hope from the attacking ogre forces (32)


I thought we'd have peace when the charr left. Now we got ogres.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about the ogres.
It started just after the charr pulled back their forces. The ogres came from the east and moved right in. It's a constant battle to keep them from getting closer.
Talk more option tango.png Why did the charr leave?
As part of the peace summit up north, the charr have to pull up stakes here and leave. It's a so called "good-will gesture." Yeah, right.
Talk more option tango.png You don't sound convinced.
I've never heard of a charr just walking away from a battleground. Old hatreds die hard. What if they come back? Then we got ogres and charr.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me more about the ogres. (same as "Tell me about the ogres.")
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about the charr. (same as "Why did the charr leave?")
Talk end option tango.png Take care.
During Defend Forlorn Hope from the ogres
I can't chat right now! We've got ogres everywhere!
Talk end option tango.png Right.