Seraph Spy Ivy

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Renown heart NPC.png

Seraph Spy Ivy


Interactive map

Seraph Spy Ivy is an undercover seraph and a Karma Vendor located in The Gallowfields. She and Seraph Spy Ruppel are both investigating Seanan's Bandits. Like Ruppel, she'll offer a bandit disguise so players can enter Seanan's camp. Unlike Ruppel, after players assist her and earn her trust, she will sell select items.


Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Infiltrate and disrupt Seanan's bandits (22)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Broken Shackle.png Broken Shackle Accessory Fine 22 224 Karma
Verdant Greatsword.png Wyld Greatsword Greatsword Fine 22 266 Karma
Broken Shackle.png Broken Shackle Accessory Masterwork 22 441 Karma
Basic Greatsword.png Wyld Greatsword Greatsword Masterwork 22 525 Karma
Worn Chain Pauldrons.png Vine-Covered Chain Pauldrons Heavy shoulders Fine 22 196 Karma
Country Mantle.png Vine-Covered Mantle Light shoulders Fine 22 196 Karma
Swindler Pauldrons.png Vine-Covered Pauldrons Medium shoulders Fine 22 196 Karma
Worn Chain Pauldrons.png Vine-Covered Chain Pauldrons Heavy shoulders Masterwork 22 385 Karma
Country Mantle.png Vine-Covered Mantle Light shoulders Masterwork 22 385 Karma
Swindler Pauldrons.png Vine-Covered Pauldrons Medium shoulders Masterwork 22 385 Karma


Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We're spies. We don't fight fairly but then neither do the bandits. We have bandit disguises that you can wear to infiltrate and sabotage their efforts.
Talk ready option.png Give me the disguise now.
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png The disguise will put an illusion around you and make you look like one of them. I'll let you into the camp once you're ready. Oh, and in your pocket, you'll find baneberry poison. Are you ready?
Talk ready option.png Yes. Give me the bandit disguise and let me into Seanan's camp.
Talk more option tango.png I need more information first. (same as "What are you getting me into here?")
Talk end option tango.png No, I'll stay out here.
Talk more option tango.png What are you getting me into here?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png These bandits are standing in the way of a critical Seraph mission. Get in there and poison their rations. Do whatever else comes to mind to sabotage them. We're counting on you.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about the poison.
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png It's baneberry poison. Long in potency, but difficult to detect in food or water. Plus, it's not lethal. It'll just make everyone who takes it too sick to make trouble.
Talk back option tango.png I'd like to ask something else.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about the other spies.
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We've got disguised Seraph inside, like me. If you meet any, lend a hand. Just don't blow anybody's cover—not theirs and not your own.
Talk back option tango.png I'd like to ask something else.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png What else should I do inside?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Cause whatever chaos you can, and that means destroying plans, rewriting ledgers, and freeing their prisoners. I don't recommend direct attacks, unless you can get away with it.
Talk back option tango.png I'd like to ask something else.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk ready option.png I'm ready to enter the bandit camp.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png No, thank you.
Complete heart (map icon).png <Character name>, good to see you back to your regular self. With your help, our spies have Seanan's bandits tied up for a while. Now we can finally focus our attention on the mission we came here for.
Karma.png I'd like to see your extra supplies.
Talk more option tango.png What mission? Is there something I can help with?
Complete heart (map icon).png Not this time, <Character name>. Our orders are from Queen Jennah herself. Understand, I'm only telling you this because I know you can be trusted.
Talk more option tango.png I'll tell no one. You have my word.
Complete heart (map icon).png We were stationed here to investigate rumors of White Mantle activity. We've found nothing to substantiate these claims, but will remain vigilant until the queen recalls us.
Talk end option tango.png I see. Good luck.
(If you have inspected the corpse already)
Talk more option tango.png I found a suspicious bandit corpse in the brush northeast of here.
Female, early twenties, about my height and my build?
Talk more option tango.png And stripped of her clothes, yes. Are you saying you did that?
She slipped into camp and killed one of our soldiers. We caught her, and when I realized her clothes would fit me, I was inspired to start Operation Disguise.
Talk end option tango.png You turned a tragedy into an advantage. I'll have to remember that.
Talk ready option.png I'd like to go back into the camp.
The camp is still reeling, for now, but if you want to go back in, that's your choice. I have a disguise right here.
Talk ready option.png Yes. Give me the bandit disguise and let me into Seanan's camp.
Talk end option tango.png On second thought, I'll stay here.
Talk end option tango.png That's nice. See ya.


The flavor text of her vendor items references a Coydd instead of Ivy, which doesn't match anyone nearby or in-game at all as the only other spy nearby is called Ruppel.