Save Parnna from the guardian golems

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Save Parnna from the guardian golems

Interactive map

Interactive map

Save Parnna from the guardian golems is a level 10 dynamic event that occurs in Calx's Hideout.


  • Destroy the golems to release Parnna.
  • CLX-122m
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • CLX-141r
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • CLX-122f
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 664 Experience.png 58 Karma 14 Copper coin
Silver 381 Experience.png 50 Karma 12 Copper coin
Bronze 336 Experience.png 44 Karma 10 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 9 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Immediately after Escort Parnna into Calx's ancient lab concludes, before this event officially starts
Veteran CLX-122m: Invasive—life—force—detected.
Parnna: Fear not! I can take care of this.
Veteran CLX-122m: Initiate—automated—response.
Parnna: I almost have it! One more turn here and...
Veteran CLX-122m: Apprehension—system—online. Combat—mode—initiated.
Parnna: Oh my! Well, that didn't go as planned. If only I'd had more data crystals. Duck!
After the event starts and Parnna is trapped in a forcefield
Parnna: The cage energy is tied to the golems! Destroy them, and I'll be free. (Repeated during the event if it is taking a long time)
Upon completing the event
Parnna: We have to get out of here! The chamber is losing stability! Something BAD is coming!
Upon exiting Calx's Hideout, and the gate crumbling once more
Parnna: That energy field overloaded my plasma coupling. I can't maintain the field any longer.


  • Success of this event resets the event chain.
  • It's recommended to leave Calx's Hideout with Parnna. The Obsidian Destroyer Trolls which spawn after she leaves are incredibly dangerous, respawn quickly, and offer no reward for killing them.
    • If you do not leave, you will be forcibly teleported outside in a few minutes.
  • Back outside, Parnna will become a merchant for a limited time, selling a Hardened Destroyer Core accessory.