Salina Scorchstep

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Salina Scorchstep


Interactive map

Salina Scorchstep is a member of the Ash Legion, and is currently tasked to eliminate Champion Drakin Cinderspire. She is also former slave of the Flame Legion, freed by the Scorch Warband.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the fire shaman and his minions (60)


My kill. Mine.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, then.
After successful completion of event Defeat the fire shaman and his minions (for female charr characters that participated)
Salina looks you over. Her eyes soften and her snarl disappears. There's a look of sadness on her face. She appears about to say something, but stops short.
Talk more option tango.png I'm <Character name>. I take it you are part of this outfit.
Salina nods, but then turns and resumes watching the horizon.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Ferocity Talk or stop staring, you mute idiot.
Salina snarls. She grips her knife, but pauses before drawing her blade. She ignores you and resumes scanning the horizon.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Dignity It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise.
No. No you won't. You can try, but if you start anything with me, I will finish you. I've killed men so quietly and so quickly that their last breath never make it out.
Talk more option tango.png Who are you?
I had a name before, but I don't remember it. They call me Salina Scorchstep. I heard you've been slitting Flame Legion throats. Did you make them suffer?
Talk more option tango.png How long have you been with this group?
Ever since they freed me. 163 kills ago. Vesta saved me. I owe her. I'll kill for her. Won't stop until every one in Flame Legion is dead by my hand.
Talk more option tango.png You measure time in kills?
Flame Legion would blindfold and drug me days on end. Months, years... just gone. Can't remember my name or my age. Now, I mark how many Flame Legion I kill.
Talk more option tango.png Sounds brutal.
Just returning every kindness the Flame Legion gave me.
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
Talk end option tango.png I can't listen to any more of this.
Talk end option tango.png And that's my cue to leave.
Talk end option tango.png Got it. I'm leaving.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
After successful completion of event Defeat the fire shaman and his minions (for other races and male charr characters, or if you did not particpate)
Salina sizes you up quickly with narrow, cruel eyes. Without a word, she turns away.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.