Living World Season 1 content

Remaining Light

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Remaining Light is a kodan that lives in a memory of Old Lion's Arch, within Trader's Forum. He formerly lived in one of the kodan's sanctuaries with his fellow kodan but in 1323 AE, it was attacked and destroyed by the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion, Jormag. In the two years following this attack, he settled in Lion's Arch.

He survived the attack on Lion's Arch and took refuge in the Vigil's camp in Gendarran Fields. When Lion's Arch was rebuilt, he disappeared.



Historical locations[edit]



<Character race>, it is my honor to speak with you. I am Remaining Light, of the kodan, and Lion's Arch is now my home.
Talk more option tango.png Remaining Light seems an interesting name.
Two years past, that which calls itself Jormag attacked my tribe's sanctuary. Most died quickly in the chaos. I was among the few thrown from our home in the sky to the ground below. I alone survived the fall.
Talk more option tango.png I am sorry for your tragedy. What brought you to Lion's Arch?
After the dark moment, with the balance I had always known destroyed, I wandered. Soon, I sensed a faint call some distance to the south. I followed the sound. And that is how I came to Lion's Arch.
Talk more option tango.png Will you ever return to your homelands?
Koda taught us to seek out balance wherever it exists. This community is home to sense of balance second only to that which exists within a sanctuary. A kodan must be here to nurture that balance.
Talk end option tango.png I wish you luck in your charge.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png I am sorry for your trials. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png It has been an honor to meet you as well.: