Quaggan Leader

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Quaggan Leader


Interactive map

Quaggan Leader is a quaggan looking to find a safe place for quaggans by Nonmoa Lake with a quaggan Guard and a Quaggan Lieutenant.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Help the quaggans secure the Lair of the Coil (60)


Before Help the quaggans secure the Lair of the Coil
Krait are everywhere! They're sure to kidnap quaggans. Quaggans need a safe place to hide!
Talk more option tango.png You could search nearby caves for a hiding place.
Coo! Very good idea! Come, follow quaggan.
Talk ready option.png Lead the way.
Talk end option tango.png I can't help you right now.
Talk end option tango.png You'll be just fine.
During Help the quaggans secure the Lair of the Coil
Hooo, something doesn't feel right. Stay close to quaggan.
Talk end option tango.png All right.
After the event
This place is scary! Quaggans need a place to hide and be safe.
Talk end option tango.png Nothing here seems safe.