Property:Has decoration category

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This text property identifies the group of decoration.

Allowed values[edit]

Guild hall:

  • Architecture
  • Furniture
  • Lighting
  • Monuments
  • Other
  • Plants
  • Statuary
  • Trophies
  • Festivals
  • Obstacles
  • Turrets


  • Architecture
  • Table and seating
  • Storage
  • Decor
  • Lighting
  • Planters and topiaries
  • Trees and foliages
  • Natural features
  • Sculptures
  • Flags and signs
  • Weapons and traps
  • Trophies
  • Racing
  • Other
  • Heart of Thorns
  • Path of Fire
  • End of Dragons
  • Secrets of the Obscure
  • Janthir Wilds
  • Festivals
  • Black Lion
Showing 4 pages using this property.
Janthir Wilds  +, Table and seating  +
Janthir Wilds  +, Table and seating  +
Architecture  +, Lighting  +
Janthir Wilds  +, Table and seating  +
The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Architecture", "Furniture", "Lighting", "Monuments", "Other", "Plants", "Statuary", "Trophies", "Festivals", "Obstacles", "Turrets", "Table and seating", "Storage", "Decor", "Planters and topiaries", "Trees and foliages", "Natural features", "Sculptures", "Flags and signs", "Weapons and traps", "Racing", "Heart of Thorns", "End of Dragons", "Secrets of the Obscure", "Janthir Wilds", "Black Lion", "Path of Fire" ] } }