Living World Season 2 content

Primeval Kings: Unearthing Ancient Elona

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Primeval Kings: Unearthing Ancient Elona

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Special Collections
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Primeval Kings: Unearthing Ancient Elona is a book found in the Durmand Priory's Special Collections during the Hidden Arcana chapter of the Echoes of the Past. It was written by Bahltek.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 2[edit]


This history, by Bahltek, discusses the rulers of Elona from 200 BE to 452 AE.
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The arduous task of unearthing what happened during the rule of the Primeval Kings is compounded by the devastation of the Scarab Plague at the end of their reign.
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The golden age of Elona was all but erased by the chaos that ensued when people succumbed to insects that eviscerated them.
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An adept researcher can rediscover the truth about Elona's splendor during this period.
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A socioeconomic divide can be seen in the architecture of devastated Fahranur. Copious servants were available to serve the royalty.
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These royals had relics from as far away as Kryta and such strong archemetrical infusion that they ruled without opposition for 600 years.
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