Prevent the centaurs from capturing Nebo Terrace

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Prevent the centaurs from capturing Nebo Terrace

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prevent the centaurs from capturing Nebo Terrace is a level 28 event that occurs in Nebo Terrace.


  • Nebo Terrace
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Centaur backup arrives in: 10:00
  • Seraph catapults remaining: 3
  • Reinforcements Defeated
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,213 Experience.png 144 Karma 34 Copper coin
Silver 1,031 Experience.png 123 Karma 28 Copper coin
Bronze 910 Experience.png 108 Karma 25 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 28 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Captain Bradin Glenavon: The western gate is under attack! Drive them back at all cost!
Captain Bradin Glenavon: We can't let them break through the eastern gate. Hit them with all you have!
Captain Bradin Glenavon: They've broken a gate. Rally the defenses. Cut them to pieces if they put one hoof in our town!
Captain Bradin Glenavon: Watch that southern gate! The centaurs are trying to break through.
Event failure
Captain Bradin Glenavon: The gates are down! Fall back to the town center. Protect the villagers!


  • The bonus chest reward for this event was added on 09/09/14.
  • This is the only event without a boss that grants a daily bonus chest.

External links[edit]