Praga Fiendhaunt
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Praga Fiendhaunt is a charr gladium in the Gladium Canton. She lost her whole warband, but still manages to keep herself vigilant.
- Approach cautiously, friend, and state your intentions clearly. I have little patience today.
- So talk. Fast. What do you want?
- I'm Praga Fiendhaunt, and I'm a gladium. You got a problem with that?
- (If charr)
- I should kill you on the spot for suggesting I'd leave my warband. My fellow warband members are gone, but they watch me from the Mists. So I make certain to do nothing that would dishonor them.
- It takes strength. One day, you may know what I mean, though I hope you never do.
- They say that which kills your friends only makes you stronger.
- The stories don't do this place justice. Some call the Gladium Canton "The Shallows." Others call it "The Gallows." As you can clearly see, only the finest reside here.
- It's not bitterness. It's vigilance. When you're gladium, you learn to watch your back. Because everyone else is.
- Probably not a bad idea. Good-bye.
I can understand why you might be bitter.
- Interesting. See you around.
Okay. So this is the infamous Gladium Canton. I've heard many stories.
- [sic]. Stay strong, friend. Words of widom
I've already experienced loss. Far too many times.
- I do know, but don't want to talk about it.
How do you go on?
- Good. Stays strong.
Are you a gladium by choice or circumstance?
- (If not charr)
- It means my warband is dead, and I'm the sole survivor. It also means I was the unlucky one.
- No. Some choose to leave their warbands. They've got no stomach for war. But those gladium are rare. And short-lived. Desertion is forbidden and there's no second chances in the legions.
- The Gladium Canton. Some people call it "The Shallows." Being forced to live here is the life sentence one gets for being gladium.
- I'll leave you to your misery, then.
So what is this place?
- Good to know.
Are all gladium like you?
- That's too bad. Good-bye.
What's a gladium?
- What is this place? (Same as "So what is this place?" above)
- I see I've come at a bad time. So long.
Who are you?
- On second thought, never mind.
I'm looking for answers.
- Never mind.