Plague Blast/history
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January 26, 2016
- Life Blast / Plague Blast: These skills now pierce by default.
Plague Blast
- Profession
Necromancer (skill list)
- Slot
- Death Shroud
- Game link
“Blast a foe with a plague that transfers one condition to them.
- Damage: 246
- : 1
Conditions Transferred- Number of Targets: 5
- Pierces
- Range: 900
— In-game description
June 23, 2015
- Life Blast / Plague Blast: Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles fired from these skills to not deal damage to the caster if they were reflected.
July 01, 2014
- Life Blast (Underwater): Renamed the skill to "Plague Blast" in order to clarify its unique functionality.
- Fixed an issue in which the damage skill fact was lower than the actual value.
- Updated the vulnerability skill fact to show the number of stacks of vulnerability applied (2).
Plague Blast
- Profession
Necromancer (skill list)
- Slot
- Death Shroud
- Game link
“Blast a foe with a plague that transfers one condition to them.
— In-game description
May 20, 2014
- Life Blast (Underwater): Enabled Dhuumfire with this skill.
- Added a healing skill fact when traited with Renewing Blast.
June 25, 2013
- Life Blast (Underwater): Decreased the cast time and reduced the aftercast.
Life Blast
- Profession
Necromancer (skill list)
- Slot
- Death Shroud
- Game link
“— In-game description
December 14, 2012
- Life Blast (Underwater): Updated projectile to fire from a more logical area of the necromancer.
November 15, 2012
- Life Blast (Underwater): This skill's casting time has been reduced.
Life Blast
“Blast a foe with a plague that transfers one condition to them.
— In-game description
Original version
Life Blast
“Blast a foe with a plague that transfers one condition to them.
— In-game description