Pavilion Disciple (Master Armorsmith)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Master Armorsmith. For other services, see Pavilion Disciple.
Master Armorsmith.png

Pavilion Disciple

Ministry of Commerce Official.jpg

(This NPC's appearance may change randomly.)

Thousand Seas Pavilion
Master armorsmith

Interactive map

The Pavilion Disciple is a master armorsmith found at the Thousand Seas Pavilion.



Items offered[edit]

Click here to edit this table


Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet exotic shield.png Recipe: Mystic Aspect
(Requires the recipe not already unlocked.)
Recipe sheet Exotic 25 Pile of Lucent Crystal + 35,000 Karma
Crafter's Backpack Frame.png Crafter's Backpack Frame Crafting material Basic Copper coin
Lump of Tin.png Lump of Tin (10) Crafting material Basic 80 Copper coin
Lump of Coal.png Lump of Coal (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Lump of Coal.png Lump of Primordium (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Spool of Jute Thread.png Spool of Jute Thread (10) Crafting material Basic 80 Copper coin
Spool of Wool Thread.png Spool of Wool Thread (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Spool of Cotton Thread.png Spool of Cotton Thread (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 40 Copper coin
Spool of Linen Thread.png Spool of Linen Thread (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Spool of Silk Thread.png Spool of Silk Thread (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Spool of Gossamer Thread.png Spool of Gossamer Thread (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 40 Copper coin
Thermocatalytic Reagent.png Thermocatalytic Reagent (10) Crafting material Ascended 14 Silver coin 96 Copper coin
Hydrocatalytic Reagent.png Hydrocatalytic Reagent (10) Crafting material Ascended 50 Research Note


Item Type Rarity Cost
Minor Rune of Holding.png Minor Rune of Holding Crafting material Basic Silver coin 96 Copper coin
Rune of Holding.png Rune of Holding Crafting material Fine 14 Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Major Rune of Holding.png Major Rune of Holding Crafting material Masterwork 50 Silver coin
Greater Rune of Holding.png Greater Rune of Holding Crafting material Rare Gold coin
Superior Rune of Holding.png Superior Rune of Holding Crafting material Exotic 10 Gold coin

Kits and tools[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Crude Salvage Kit.png Crude Salvage Kit Salvage kit Basic 32 Copper coin
Basic Salvage Kit.png Basic Salvage Kit Salvage kit Basic 88 Copper coin
Fine Salvage Kit.png Fine Salvage Kit Salvage kit Fine Silver coin 88 Copper coin
Journeyman's Salvage Kit.png Journeyman's Salvage Kit Salvage kit Masterwork Silver coin
Master's Salvage Kit.png Master's Salvage Kit Salvage kit Rare 15 Silver coin 36 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Copper Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Copper Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Copper Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Iron Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Iron Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Iron Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Steel Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Steel Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Steel Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Darksteel Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Darksteel Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Darksteel Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Mithril Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Mithril Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Mithril Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Fine 60 Silver coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Orichalcum Logging Axe Logging axe Fine 60 Silver coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Orichalcum Mining Pick Mining pick Fine 60 Silver coin


Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Ravaging Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Rejuvenating Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Honed Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Hunter's Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Strong Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Vigorous Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Hearty Intricate Wool Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Ravaging Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Rejuvenating Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Hunter's Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Vigorous Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Hearty Intricate Cotton Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Carrion Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Cleric's Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Assassin's Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Berserker's Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Valkyrie Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Rampager's Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Knight's Intricate Linen Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Carrion Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Cleric's Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Assassin's Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Berserker's Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Valkyrie Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare insignia.png Recipe: Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Carrion Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Cleric's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Assassin's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Berserker's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Valkyrie Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Rampager's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Knight's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Crusader Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic insignia.png Recipe: Marauder Intricate Gossamer Insignia Recipe sheet Exotic 924 Karma
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Insignia Container Ascended 21,000 Karma
Recipe sheet ascended insignia.png Recipe: Giftbringer's Insignia
(Requires the festival Wintersday.)
Recipe sheet Ascended 250 Snowflake + 21,000 Karma
Recipe sheet ascended insignia.png Recipe: Tixx's Giver's Insignia
(Requires the festival Wintersday.)
Recipe sheet Ascended 250 Snowflake + 21,000 Karma

Ascended recipes[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Boots Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Coat Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Gloves Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Helm Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Leggings Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Heavy Shoulders Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended boots.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Greaves Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended coat.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Breastplate Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended gloves.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Gauntlets Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended helm.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Helmet Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended leggings.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Tassets Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin
Recipe sheet ascended shoulders.png Recipe: Refined Envoy Pauldrons Recipe sheet Ascended Gold coin

Armor upgrades[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Afflicted Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Citadel Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence

Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Dolyak Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Eagle Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Flock Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Grove Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Hoelbrak Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Infiltration Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Mercy Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Pack Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Rage Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Rata Sum Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Strength Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of the Traveler Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Rune of Vampirism Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence

Relic Recipes[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Adventurer Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Afflicted Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Antitoxin Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Aristocracy Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Brawler Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Cavalier Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Centaur Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Chronomancer Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Citadel Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Daredevil Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Deadeye Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Defender Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Dragonhunter Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Durability Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Dwayna Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Evasion Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Firebrand Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Fireworks Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Flock Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Herald Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Ice Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Krait Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Leadership Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Mercy Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Mirage Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Monk Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Necromancer Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Nightmare Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Pack Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Reaper Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Resistance Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Scourge Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of Speed Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Sunless Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Thief Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Trooper Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Warrior Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Potence
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Water Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Skill
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Weaver Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance
Recipe sheet relic.png Recipe: Relic of the Zephyrite Recipe sheet Exotic Charm of Brilliance


(If player is not an armorsmith)
War's everywhere, and demand for armor is high. It's time to train up a new generation of armorsmiths.
Talk give option tango.png Please teach me to be an armorsmith.
Talk merchant tango.png I need armorsmithing supplies.
Talk more option tango.png What can I craft as an armorsmith?
Heavy armor, inventory boxes, and runes.
Talk give option tango.png Teach me to be an armorsmith.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. I'll consider it.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.
(If character already has two disciplines)
You already have the maximum active disciplines, so you'll need to deactivate one first. You won't lose your progress, but reactivating it will cost more than learning a new discipline.
Talk merchant tango.png I'd like to purchase an additional crafting license.
Talk give option tango.png I'll deactivate <first discipline> and become a armorsmith.
Talk give option tango.png I'll deactivate <second discipline> and become a armorsmith.
Talk end option tango.png Never mind. I'm not ready to become a armorsmith.
(If player is an armorsmith)
Only the strongest and toughest materials to wrap your life in.
Talk merchant tango.png I need armorsmithing supplies.
Talk more option tango.png I have some questions about armorsmithing.
Ask away.
Talk more option tango.png How do I go about armorsmithing?
To smith heavy armor, you'll need to pair two components with an insignia at an armorsmithing station.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask something else?
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find materials to craft with?
You can buy materials from me, from the trading post, or gather them from resource nodes all over the world.
Talk more option tango.png Can I ask another question?
Talk merchant tango.png I need armorsmithing supplies.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png How can I discover recipes for crafting?
Experiment with components in the Discovery Pane on an armorsmithing station to learn new recipes.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask another question?
Talk end option tango.png Got it. Thanks.
Talk more option tango.png What can you tell me about runes?
Runes will upgrade the power of your armor, increasing with each additional rune that you apply.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask another question?
Talk end option tango.png I see. Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for your time.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.