Nonus Pickaxe

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Nonus Pickaxe, nicknamed Nonus Pickflea, was a member of the Pick Warband and Rox's mate.[1] He died along with his warbandmates during a cave-in while on one of their mining operations, leaving Rox as the only survivor.[2]


  1. ^ The Dead End: Advanced Warning
    Kasmeer Meade: What about you, Rox? Anyone special in your life?
    Rox: No. There was once, but he was killed.
    Kasmeer Meade: I'm sorry. Was he in your old warband? Braham said you're a gladium.
    Rox: Braham talks too much. [...]
    <Character name>: Say, I wanted to ask: How did your...mate die?
    Rox: In a mine cave-in, with the rest of my warband. His name was Nonus Pickflea...I mean Nonus Pickaxe. Pickflea was his nickname. We teased him. We'd been best friends since the fahrar.
  2. ^ Rox's Tale