Living World Season 3 content

Monteco, the Maitre'd

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Monteco, the Maitre'd


Interactive map

Monteco, the Maitre'd is a human circus outcast who acts as the Maître D'œuvre for the Lava Lounge. For a character who is in possession of a Lava Lounge Pass he will also teleport them for free to any city.


Ring of Fire


Without a Lava Lounge Pass
Welcome to the one and only, the luxurious, the majestic, the sublime Lava Lounge! I'm sorry, but we only serve the most exclusive clients here. I can't let you in without a pass.
Talk more option tango.png How do I get a pass?
I hear the Black Lion Trading Company has a few to sell.
Talk merchant tango.png All right. Show me the goods.
Talk back option tango.png I have some questions.
Talk end option tango.png Got it, thanks.
Talk more option tango.png I have some questions for you.
It would be my pleasure to answer your questions. What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Could you tell me how the Lounge got started?
Happily! It all started when we scuttled our ship down south. I went out scavenging for supplies, but instead I found my fortune—specifically, this heap of junk.
Talk more option tango.png The golem? What's that got to do with anything?
Turns out, my friend here was designed for only one purpose: building fancy island resorts. I think he was supposed to be at Southsun Cove? Lyssa take me if I know how he got all the way out here.
Talk more option tango.png So this golem built a resort and just... gave it to you?
He calls me the on-site manager, and I don't correct him. So there you have it! Now I can fulfill my dream of running a first-class resort. Just like mother always wanted.
Talk back option tango.png I have some more questions.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. I'll leave you to it.
Talk end option tango.png So long story short, you robbed the Consortium.
Talk end option tango.png Bored now. I'm leaving.
Talk more option tango.png Why are you running a resort instead of helping the carnival down south?
We tried that already, and 3VCTN here got a bit... frazzled. Seems it thinks we're shoplifting if we take merchandise out without paying. It tends to overreact. Violently.
Talk back option tango.png That doesn't sound good. Can I ask another question?
Talk end option tango.png Sounds frustrating. I'll leave you alone.
Talk end option tango.png I've changed my mind. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good to know.
With a Lava Lounge Pass
Hello again! I hope you've enjoyed your stay. Just say the word, and I'll have 3VCTN teleport you wherever you'd like to go.
Talk more option tango.png I have some questions for you.
It would be my pleasure to answer your questions. What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Could you tell me how the Lounge got started? (Same as above)
Talk more option tango.png Why are you running a resort instead of helping the carnival down south? (Same as above)
Talk back option tango.png Never mind. I know where I want to go.
Talk end option tango.png On second thought... Nevermind
Tick green.png Return to my previous map.
You do not have access to this map. (If the map is closed or inaccessible)
Tick green.png Travel to the Eye of the North.
Tick green.png Travel to Lion's Arch
Tick green.png Travel to the Lion's Arch Aerodrome
Talk more option tango.png View destinations outside Central Tyria.
Tick green.png Travel to the Wizard's Tower. (Only accessible with Secrets of the Obscure)
Tick green.png Travel to Arborstone. (Only accessible with End of Dragons)
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk more option tango.png View destinations among other capital cities.
Tick green.png Travel to Divinity's Reach.
Tick green.png Travel to Hoelbrak.
Tick green.png Travel to the Grove.
Tick green.png Travel to Rata Sum.
Tick green.png Travel to the Black Citadel.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Remain Here.
