Mattul Krighest
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Mattul Krighest is a norn residing in Raven Lodge.
- I don't suppose you know anything about siege weapons, do you? I design them. Most of my work is aimed toward increasing the force behind a projectile.
- Everything from simple slings to trebuchets. I'm building up an arsenal to keep the Svanir at bay.
- I'm not ready to talk about that yet. It's a pet project, and I'm not even sure if it's feasible.
- One night, I was lying on my furs, trying to sleep, and it struck me. How are we going to battle a creature as vast and powerful as Jormag? We haven't even broken his tooth yet!
- And so, what if we made a weapon out of the tooth? A giant ballista with the tooth as it's projectile! What do you think?
- By lashing it to a caber, like a giant dart. With the right amount of force, it would pierce the dragon's hide and bore straight into its black heart!
- Devious and inventive! Good luck with it.
- Ponder it some more. I may be back.
- I must go. Perhaps we'll talk later.
Now you've got to tell me, with a lead in like that.
- Never mind.
You said 'most'. What else are you working on?
- Don't let me keep you from your work, then.
I know a little. What type do you design?
- I'll leave you be.
- Ho, traveler.
- Up for a challenge?