Malchor's Fingers

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Malchor's Fingers

1Vista (map icon).png

Malchor's Fingers map.jpg
Map of Malchor's Fingers

Waste HollowsTheater of DelightValley of LyssPyrite PeninsulaMidwater HollowsMirror BayCrusted ShoalsCathedral of Eternal RadianceBlighted ArchWhisper BayMalchor's FingersGarden of IlyaKarst PlainsCathedral of ZephyrsJinx IsleDrowned BrineSnaketail InletMalchor's Fingers locator.svg
Malchor's Leap
(Ruins of Orr)
Connects to
Whisper Bay (S)
Blighted Arch (SE)
Mirror Bay (SE)
Jinx Isle (SW)

Malchor's Fingers.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Malchor's Fingers, also called Malchor's Fingertips, were a series of spires poking out of the waters while Orr was still sunken, prior to Zhaitan's awakening. Sailors used them to mark the edge of the Orrian Veil which was feared to traverse at the time due to stories of sea monsters and ships that never returned. The sailor legends insisted that they were the spires of an Orrian cathedral jutting out of the water, but others claimed that they were just salt pillars.[1]

Locations and objectives[edit]

Vista (map icon).png Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Vista —
  • From Point of interest (map icon).png Mirror's Handle, head to the north of the island along the eastern side. When you reach the base of the spire with the vista on it, turn around and jump to the higher spire to the west, then jump back onto the vista's spire closer to the vista.
  • From Waypoint (map icon).png Union Waypoint, if you have gliding unlocked, you may glide directly from the ledge north of the waypoint, down to the vista.
    • Alternatively, if you have a raptor but not gliding, you may carefully  Leap (Raptor).png Leap from rock to rock down the ridge leading to the vista.

Crafting resources[edit]

Fishing nodes
Fish resource (map icon).png Offshore Fish
Resource nodes
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore (occasionally)
