Luka Tomasdottir
Luka Tomasdottir
“I've screamed at you for so long that I have no voice. There are no more words. I will never speak again. So I write, hoping you will read these words and leave me alone.
Luka Tomasdottir was a norn scribe from the Vigil who befriended a kodan named Aiding Thunder, learning much about the kodan and their culture, including their naming customs, from him. She traveled to Bjora Marches to explore the region, write about her experiences and reunite with Aiding Thunder after he had gone missing. The kodan of Still Waters Speaking warned her not to venture too far into the wilds in search of her friend despite hearing a voice resembling Aiding Thunder's.
However, Luka ignored the kodan's warnings and eventually spotted what appeared to be Aiding Thunder, following him into an icy cave beyond Drakkar Lake. She eventually realized that the voice that had communicated with her actually belonged to the Elder Dragon Jormag who tempted her with promises to reunite her with Aiding Thunder and letting her learn the secrets of the kodan. Luka grew weary of the whispers once she had received more knowledge than she could ever record, and she begged Jormag to stop whispering into her mind. The voice did not stop, however, and Luka eventually died alone in the depths of the frozen cave after she had recorded her final, desperate plea on paper.
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