Living World Season 1 content

Log Book Fragment

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Log Book Fragment

Log Book Fragment was an item located in Canach's Folly, sitting on a chair at the table.


Historical location[edit]



Log Book of the SS Prospect, recorded by Cady Smith[sic], Captain
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Set sail from Sanctum Harbor under cover of darkness. Seas uncertain. Our navigator assures me we'll make landfall by dawn on the new island. How could this place have stayed uncharted for so long?
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Canach brought a chef along of some renown, he says it's to help discover new food sources. All I know is that we've never tasted anything better than what this sylvari Owain prepares.
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First Mate Sharphorn doesn't trust Canach, but I keep assuring him that this charter will put our fortunes on a better course once we're back in the Arch. I just wish I could believe it myself.
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