Living World Season 3 content

King Cyrus the Unremarkable

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King Cyrus the Unremarkable


King Cyrus the Unremarkable portrait.png


Interactive map

King Cyrus the Unremarkable is a ghost and a former king of Orr found near the southeastern shrine in Melandru's Reliquary.


In life, King Cyrus cared more about his kingdom than cementing personal glory. He was overshadowed by his more famous siblings, and became a forgotten king. As a result of his modest life he was given the epithet "the Unremarkable".

After the awakening of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan and the Rising of Orr in 1219 AE, several members of the Orrian royalty were corrupted into the Elder Dragon's Risen servants. Once the Pact had cleansed the Artesian Waters and killed Zhaitan in 1325 AE, Orr began to recover slowly.

The ghosts of many liberated Orrian kings and queens stayed in Orr and helped Tyrian volunteers in the restoration of the land and fighting against the remaining, now Unchained Risen. As a ghost, King Cyrus offered his services to the volunteers and suggested how to keep local, magical shrines active while telling curious adventurers about his past in 1330 AE.


Ruins of Orr

Items offered[edit]

Lost Orrian Caches

Item Type Rarity Cost
Mad King Chest.png Orrian Coffer Container Fine Orrian Pearl
Attunement Offerings

(these appear to only be available if Orrian Power grid is functional.)

Item Type Rarity Cost
Token of Northeast Attunement.png Token of Southeast Attunement Consumable Basic 10 Orrian Pearl
Token of Northeast Attunement.png Token of Southwest Attunement Consumable Basic 10 Orrian Pearl
Token of Northeast Attunement.png Token of Northeast Attunement Consumable Basic 10 Orrian Pearl
Token of Northeast Attunement.png Token of Northwest Attunement Consumable Basic 10 Orrian Pearl


If the Orrian Power grid has failed
The power grid has failed, and the shrines have all lost power. I need your help to reclaim essence from slain creatures. We'll use it to reactivate the shrines.
Talk more option tango.png Reclaim essence?
Orr is filthy with magical essence. It permeates all the creatures in this region. Killing one may cause it to be released so you can reclaim it. We use reclaimed essence to power the shrines.
Talk more option tango.png Who are you?
I am nobody, a forgotten king overshadowed by siblings who were all revered Orrian royals. I left no mark on history. Perhaps because I cared more Orr than about cementing personal glory.
Talk more option tango.png What's this about reclaimed essence? (Same as above.)
Talk end option tango.png Got it! Thanks!
Talk more option tango.png Who are you? (Same as above.)
Talk more option tango.png So many Abaddon statues. Wasn't Abaddon wiped from the face of Orr?
The gods tried to wipe the Keeper of Secrets completely, but they couldn't. His shrines and statues are too intertwined with their own reliquaries. They'd have been locked out from their own secrets.
Talk end option tango.png Because of the magical grid? I see. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Got it!


King Cyrus is in two places at once.
