Kill the giant enraged devourer to quell the uprising

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Kill the giant enraged devourer to quell the uprising

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill the giant enraged devourer to quell the uprising is a level 3 dynamic event that occurs in Devourer's Mouth within the Plains of Ashford.


  • Giant Enraged Devourer
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 327 Experience.png 32 Karma Copper coin
Silver 278 Experience.png 27 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 245 Experience.png 24 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 3 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event starts
Drottot Lashtail: What's that?
Drottot Lashtail: Fall back!
Event success
Drottot Lashtail: Victory!


  • Success of this event resets the event chain.
  • When this event starts, the neutral devourers in Devourer's Mouth turn hostile for around a minute.
  • During this event, Lashtail Devourers replace the Lashtail Females normally found in the area.
  • The number of hatchlings that spawn when the event starts scales with the amount of players in the area. One or two players will spawn two hatchlings, while 3 or 4 players will spawn four, and so on.