Kill nightmare spellbinders before skritt are enslaved at Joy's End

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Kill nightmare spellbinders before skritt are enslaved at Joy's End

Event maps
Kill nightmare spellbinders before skritt are enslaved at Joy's End.jpg

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill nightmare spellbinders before skritt are enslaved at Joy's End is a level 16 dynamic event that occurs in Zinder Slope. A few Nightmare Court Spellbinders have come to the entrance of the skritt caverns to take them as slaves by entrancing them. Your task is to defeat the Spellbinders and free all the skritt before they reach Joy's End. After the event succeeds, Lakoon'ta will offer to sell you an item for a limited time. If it fails, she will ask you to free her friends from Joy's End.


  • Nightmare spellbinders killed: x/6
  • Failure if any skritt are enslaved at Joy's End.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 647 Experience.png 90 Karma 21 Copper coin
Silver 550 Experience.png 77 Karma 18 Copper coin
Bronze 485 Experience.png 68 Karma 16 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 16 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





On event start
Lakoon'ta: No! No, no, no! Nightmares! No! Hurting too much!
Squrlookal: Coming! The enemy! With fighting!
Veteran Nightmare Spellbinder: Fill your ears and minds with my voice. Come with us. Follow. Follow.
Skritt Forager: We follow you. Where do we go?
Veteran Nightmare Spellbinder: To the embrace of nightmares. To the sweet kiss of pain. To the edge of oblivion.
Skritt Forager: Wait, where? Ob-lev E-ohn? Where? Never seen. Are we close?
Veteran Nightmare Spellbinder: Closer than you know, little one. Closer than you know.
Nightmare Spellbinder: Come.
Upon freeing skritt
Skritt Forager/Skritt Lobber/Skritt Outrunner: Yahoo!
Skritt Forager/Skritt Lobber/Skritt Outrunner: Thanks. Uh, thank-you thank-you!
On event success
Squrlookal: Hey! Hey! Why are you running into a bush?
Lakoon'ta: There you are. I see you, yes, in that bush. Talk, speak. Are you ill? Hurt?
Skritt Forager: Bad leaf men, made our heads ring. We hide. Are they gone? Yes? No?
Lakoon'ta: Friends here. Just friends. Yes. safe now. Come out. Safe.
On event failure
Skritt Lobber: The destination? The End? I'll rest here. I