Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Joon's Recapture Notes

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Joon's Recapture Notes

Book (Canthan 1).jpg

Weight of the World
(Daigo Ward)

Joon's Recapture Notes is a book located in Joon's Mansion during the Weight of the World story step. It is required for the A Woman of Culture achievement.

Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]


Ministry Update

These notes are messily scrawled—Joon's normally neat handwriting showing the signs of her stress.

System needs a way to filter the corruption from the magic. Identify the frequency of each. Attune another material to the corruption? Something cheap—amber?

Amber serves as a good container for corrupted magic. Just need to teach the system to distinguish and redirect...

System only catching two percent of corrupted magic—what is wrong???

Filtration efficacy is now at 32 percent. We're getting there.

54 percent today! Periodic waveform disruptions seem to be at fault here...

Related achievements[edit]