Incendiary Powder/history
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February 14, 2023
- Incendiary Powder: This trait now functions with the mech while it is active. Trait cooldowns for the mech are separate from the engineer.
February 25, 2020
- Incendiary Powder: (Competitive split) Reduced bonus burning duration from 33% to 10%. Reduced burning duration from 8 seconds to 4 seconds.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“Burning you inflict lasts longer, and your critical hits inflict burning.
— In-game description
December 12, 2017
- Incendiary Powder: Burning duration has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 4 seconds to 1 stack for 8 seconds.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“Critical hits inflict burning. Burning you apply lasts 33% longer.
- Burning (8s): 1,048 Damage
- Duration Increase: 33%
— In-game description
October 18, 2016
- Incendiary Powder: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to display longer than the attainable burning duration on skills.
June 23, 2015
- Incendiary Powder: Updated this trait to reflect the introduction of the specialization mechanic.
- This trait has been moved to the Firearms Grandmaster tier.
- Increased burning stacks to 2.
- Added: Burning you apply lasts 33% longer.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“Critical hits inflict burning. Burning you apply lasts 33% longer.
- Burning (4s): 1,048 Damage
2— In-game description
December 10, 2013
- Incendiary Powder: Moved to the Master tier.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Master
- Type
- Major
“— In-game description
April 30, 2013
- Incendiary Powder: Increased burning duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Increased internal cooldown from 3 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Increased activation chance from 33% to 100%.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
“— In-game description
November 15, 2012
- Incendiary Powder: This trait now states that it can only trigger once every 3 seconds.
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
“33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits.
— In-game description
Original version
Incendiary Powder
- Specialization
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
“Incendiary Powder33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits.
— In-game description