The icebrood are the minions of the Elder Ice Dragon Jormag. Many of them consist of beings, such as norn and kodan, that were turned into the fanatical minions by Jormag's champions, such as the Dragonspawn. Recently corrupted icebrood are merely covered in ice, still having blood in their bodies, while older icebrood are said to have frozen insides.
Personal story[edit]
In early 1325 AE, a group of icebrood attacked a Lionguard haven, corrupting it and killing most of its inhabitants. The only survivor was the aged Bulsa the Elder. Just north of this area, a kodan was corrupted, having to be put down by his former friends.
In the Honor of the Waves, a sinking kodan sanctuary, several icebrood invaded, led by Kodan's Bane, Huntsman of Jormag. Caithe and Eir Stegalkin arrived to rescue the sanctuary's Voice of Koda, assisting Honor's Claw. As the group climbed up into the Honor of the Waves, a colossal shard of corrupted ice landed on the deck, splintering the wood and summoning a group of tough icebrood elementals with the ability to create rows of exploding frost. Though the shard fired shards of ice at the party, it was destroyed.
Afterwards, a powerful corrupted Svanir seer appeared alongside a tough icebrood troll with the ability to regenerate when harmed. It was slain by the group and shortly after, two tough icebrood colossi appeared at the door to the Voice's chambers. While battling the colossi, some tough icebrood goliath leading a pack of icebrood wolves appeared, attacking the group. All of the creatures were slain, however.
After defeating Kulag the Fallen, a Svanir champion, the group headed through a gate, battling with a powerful icebrood goliath. After slaying the goliath, the group went through the gate where they encountered Hirvela the Lost, an icebrood Son of Svanir. Hirvela attacked the group with his axes, and when weakened, transformed into a monstrosity resembling a treant. Hirvela was defeated shortly after, however, and the group proceeded onwards.
The next room of the sanctuary contained a wall of corrupted ice, which was then melted by a nearby brazier, despite the efforts of the tough icebrood wolves guarding it. Shards of ice appeared on the floor of the room, chilling anyone who touched them.
After continuing past Lani Winterfist, the group reached Honor's Voice, who was in the midst of pleading for Kodan's Bane to leave her be. Kodan's Bane soon corrupted the Voice, declaring that Jormag's blood was her blood and that she should receive Jormag's gift, transforming her into one of few known female icebrood. After a clash with her, she was slain, and the group proceeded to battle Kodan's Bane, who beseeched for Jormag to give him their power to and the Ice Dragon summoned a drake to aid him. The two were both slain, however, resulting in the sanctuary's temporary freedom from the Ice Dragon's corruption.
Soon after, Honor's Claw beseeched adventurers to aid him in purifying the sanctuary of icebrood, and after gathering the group, they entered the sanctuary. Honor's Claw explained that three of Kodan's Bane's underlings had escaped into the sanctuary: Ginva the Butcher, Sorge the Zealot and Wollam the Plunderer. He then asked the group which icebrood they would battle.
Around this time, Bjarl the Rampager was captured by Inquest in the Crucible of Eternity and was slain by Eir and Zojja.
Living World Season 3[edit]
In 1329 AE, the Pact Commander entered Bitterfrost Frontier, a region bordering the Sea of Desperation, where many icebrood and Sons of Svanir had gathered. Approaching the Svanir Hive, a base for the corrupted Svanir, they encountered a powerful icebrood Son of Svanir guarding the base, and shortly after, a powerful corrupted Svanir tyrant appeared and was soon slain after a fierce battle.
Attacking the kodan braziers in the region, several champions of Jormag could be found, including a powerful icebrood goliath, powerful icebrood griffon, powerful icebrood norn, powerful icebrood troll and a powerful icebrood wolfmaster.
Entering a cave within the Bitter Cold, the Commander encountered an icebrood abomination imbued with Zhaitan's death spectrum and Mordremoth's plant spectrum and defeated it by harming it with corrupted grubs. It was conjectured by Taimi that Jormag had not received as much of Mordremoth and Zhaitan's magic as Primordus had, though this was later proven false.[1][2]
Within the Wayward Cave, several icebrood gathered, led by a powerful icebrood minotaur guarding an ancient jotun scroll. While Braham Eirsson and the Pact Commander battled it, it trampled its servants, revealing the scroll and allowing it to be killed.
The Icebrood Saga[edit]
In late 1332 AE, within the Darkrime Delves, several powerful creatures could be encountered, including an icebrood minotaur similar to the one seen in the Wayward Cave several years prior. It was battled by Ryland Steelcatcher and quickly slain.
While chasing Ryland Steelcatcher after Centurion Cinder Steeltemper's death, the Pact Commander encountered a corrupted version of Varinia Stormsounder, aided by several powerful icebrood and Blood Legion Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer's Frost Legion. The Pact Commander battled hordes of the icebrood and Dominion, and finally fought Varinia herself, slaying her after a fierce clash.
- See also: Category:Icebrood
- Aldus Stormbringer
- Bangar Ruinbringer
- Berserk Lesser Elemental
- Bjarl the Rampager
- Centurion Gelidus Talonbite
- Champion Corrupted Griffon
- Champion Corrupted Kodan
- Champion Ice Beast
- Champion Ice Giant
- Champion Icebrood Beast
- Champion Icebrood Berserker
- Champion Icebrood Claymore
- Champion Icebrood Elemental
- Champion Icebrood Fish
- Champion Icebrood Goliath
- Champion Icebrood Hunter
- Champion Icebrood Kodan
- Champion Icebrood Norn
- Champion Icebrood Quaggan
- Champion Icebrood Seer
- Champion Icebrood Shaman
- Champion Icebrood Troll
- Champion Icebrood Voice
- Champion Icebrood Wolf
- Champion Imbued Aberration
- Champion Oolon
- Champion Poroo
- Champion Rimewhisper Minotaur
- Champion Svanir Guard
- Champion Svanir Marauder
- Champion Svanir Mauler
- Champion Svanir Oppressor
- Champion Svanir Shaman Chief
- Champion Svanir Tyrant
- Champion Unstable Abomination
- Clashing Champions
- Claw of Jormag
- Corrupted Fish
- Corrupted Griffon
- Corrupted Griffon Chick
- Corrupted Quaggan
- Corrupted Seer
- Corrupted Spider
- Corrupted Vigil Crusader
- Corrupted Vigil Marksman
- Corrupted Vigil Recruit
- Corrupted Vigil Tactician
- Corrupted Wolfmaster
- Dominion Frost Tribune
- Drakkar
- Drowning Moon
- Elite Corrupted Fish
- Elite Corrupted Griffon
- Elite Dominion Warden
- Elite Frost Legion Bladestorm
- Elite Frost Legion Bruiser
- Elite Frost Legion Conversion Shaman
- Elite Frost Legion Crusher
- Elite Frost Legion Musketeer
- Elite Frost Legion Phalanx
- Elite Frost Legion Shaman
- Elite Frost Legion Sniper
- Elite Ice Giant
- Elite Icebrood Atrocity
- Elite Icebrood Berserker
- Elite Icebrood Claymore
- Elite Icebrood Colossus
- Elite Icebrood Effigy
- Elite Icebrood Elemental
- Elite Icebrood Goliath
- Elite Icebrood Hunter
- Elite Icebrood Kodan
- Elite Icebrood Mauler
- Elite Icebrood Menace
- Elite Icebrood Quaggan
- Elite Icebrood Seer
- Elite Icebrood Troll
- Elite Icebrood Wolf
- Elite Svanir Berserker
- Elite Svanir Brute
- Elite Svanir Hunter
- Elite Svanir Mauler
- Elite Svanir Oppressor
- Elite Svanir Seer
- Empowered Icebrood Colossus
- Empowered Icebrood Elemental
- Fimbul
- Frost Colossus
- Frost Legion Bladestorm
- Frost Legion Crusher
- Frost Legion Musketeer
- Frost Legion Phalanx
- Frost Legion Shaman
- Giant Icebrood Colossus
- Ginva the Butcher
- Havram Girthbinder
- Hirvela the Lost
- Honor's Voice
- Ice Elemental
- Ice Giant
- Icebrood Atrocity
- Icebrood Berserker
- Icebrood Claymore
- Icebrood Colossus
- Icebrood Construct
- Icebrood Construct
- Icebrood Construct
- Icebrood Elemental
- Icebrood Fish
- Icebrood Goliath
- Icebrood Hunter
- Icebrood Kodan
- Icebrood Mauler
- Icebrood Minion
- Icebrood Norn
- Icebrood Quaggan
- Icebrood Seer
- Icebrood Troll
- Icebrood Troll
- Icebrood Warrior
- Icebrood Wolf
- Ironfrost Champion
- Jormag Experiment
- Kodan
- Kodan Horn
- Kodan's Bane, Huntsman of Jormag
- Legendary Balgren Creedbreaker
- Legendary Icebrood Construct
- Legendary Icebrood Construct
- Legendary Jaddeor Icefist
- Legendary Svánigandr
- Mysterious Figure
- Ormi
- Resilient Centurion Crusher
- Ryland Steelcatcher
- Shaman of Frost
- Shaman of Hail
- Shaman of Ice
- Sickly Quaggan
- Simulacrum of Jord Ironfrost
- Son of Svanir
- Son of Svanir Berserker
- Sorge the Zealot
- Steag Frostbeard
- Svanir
- Svanir Berserker
- Svanir Brute
- Svanir Hunter
- Svanir Mauler
- Svanir Oppressor
- Svanir Reinforcement
- Svanir Seer
- Svanir Seer
- The Dragon Beast
- Torn Fur
- Tribune Splitgold
- Tribune Splitwall
- Valorous Centurion Bladestorm
- Varinia Stormsounder
- Veteran Beast of Jormag
- Veteran Bjord Frossenson
- Veteran Captive Herder
- Veteran Corrupted Griffon
- Veteran Corrupted Hunter
- Veteran Corrupted Ice Elemental
- Veteran Corrupted Norn
- Veteran Corrupted Shaman
- Veteran Corrupted Spider
- Veteran Corrupted Storm
- Veteran Dragon Shaman
- Veteran Elder Icebrood Troll
- Veteran Frost Legion Bladestorm
- Veteran Frost Legion Cannoneer
- Veteran Frost Legion Crusher
- Veteran Frost Legion Musketeer
- Veteran Frost Legion Shaman
- Veteran Icebrood Berserker
- Veteran Icebrood Captain
- Veteran Icebrood Claymore
- Veteran Icebrood Colossus
- Veteran Icebrood Denmother
- Veteran Icebrood Elemental
- Veteran Icebrood Fish
- Veteran Icebrood Goliath
- Veteran Icebrood Howler
- Veteran Icebrood Hunter
- Veteran Icebrood Kodan
- Veteran Icebrood Mauler
- Veteran Icebrood Norn
- Veteran Icebrood Quaggan
- Veteran Icebrood Seer
- Veteran Icebrood Svanir
- Veteran Icebrood Troll
- Veteran Icebrood Wolf
- Veteran Rimebound Servant
- Veteran Sons of Svanir Warden
- Veteran Sons of Svanir Zealot
- Veteran Svanir Berserker
- Veteran Svanir Brute
- Veteran Svanir Drill Sergeant
- Veteran Svanir Hunter
- Veteran Svanir Mauler
- Veteran Svanir Oppressor
- Veteran Svanir Reinforcement
- Veteran Svanir Seer
- Vigilant Centurion Shaman
- Wollam the Plunderer
- Champion Corrupted Ogre (historical)
- Veteran Corrupted Ogre (historical)
- Veteran Corrupted Quaggan (historical)
- Concept art
Concept art of an icebrood abomination battling kodan by Kekai Kotaki.
Concept art of an Icebrood Wolf by an unknown artist.
Concept art for The Icebrood Saga's announcement trailer by Juan Pablo Roldan.
Concept art for The Icebrood Saga's announcement trailer by Juan Pablo Roldan.
See also[edit]
- Associated items
- Mini Ice Beast
- Mini Icebrood Construct
- Mini Icebrood Goliath
- Mini Icebrood Ogre
- Mini Icebrood Saga Ogre
- Mini Icebrood Quaggan
- Mini Ragar Shardhammer
- Mini Ryland, Champion of Jormag
- Mini Svanir
Related achievements[edit]
Daily Icebrood Saga: Daily Icebrood Hunter — Defeat 25 icebrood in Dragon Response Missions. (0
- ^ Elixir Cookin'
- Taimi: If I were a supposing kind of genius—which I am—I'd suppose Primordus must have soaked up more Mordremoth energy.
- Taimi: Maybe proximity matters, and since Jormag's so far away, it didn't receive as much Mordy juice.
- ^ Guild Chat - Episode 97
- So, yeah, something that's a little different with Jormag is that not all of its minions have the whole death-touched thing and Jormag is very intelligent so it seems that Jormag is specifically channeling the magic that it got into its most powerful champions.