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Dialogue for Hero-Tron from past Living World releases can be found here.
During The Secret of Southsun (as Job-o-Tron)[edit]
- Speaking to Job-o-Tron
- We—currently—have—no—entry—level—opportunities—available. Thank—you—for—your—interest.
- But I wasn't—oh, never mind.
- Subdirector Noll: This is the least promising batch of refugees I've ever seen. Job-o-Tron! Status report.
- Job-o-Tron: Less—than—thirty—percent—of—those—polled—are—currently—gainfully—employed—as—we—define—it.
- Subdirector Noll: See? You're all wastrels! Back me up here, Job-o-Tron.
- Job-o-Tron: Subdirector—Noll—is—correct. Get—a—job, wastrels.
- Job-o-Tron: Just—a—few—basic—questions. First—question: What—is—your—occupation?
- Tergvi: I'm an adventurer. I roam the globe, taking what I can find and living off the land.
- Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "Raider."
- Tergvi: I'm no raider. I kill dangerous beasts and those who do evil. I defend the innocent.
- Job-o-Tron: Updating—response: "Muderous—raider—with—delusions—of—grandeur."
- Job-o-Tron: Next—question: What—is—your—dream—job?
- Tergvi: To be a traveler. I've been from the Shiverpeaks to the Sea of Sorrows, but there's so much more to see.
- Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "Hobo." Next—question: What—is—your—greatest—professional—accomplishment?
- Tergvi: I'm not answering any more of your questions.
- Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "No—professional—accomplishments." Now—tabulating—results...
- Job-o-Tron: Update: We—currently—have—no—opportunities—available. Please—re—apply—when—your—skill—set—has—improved.
During Last Stand at Southsun (as Job-o-Tron)[edit]
- Good—news! I—am—free—to—entertain—offers—at—this—time. I—wonder—if—you—have—any—job—leads, or—failing—that, any—spare—coins?
- Sorry, can't help you.
- Job-o-Tron: Departure—of—the—settlers—diminishes—my—ability—to—perform—my—primary—function.
- Job-o-Tron: I—will—miss—my—quota—and—be—downsized. They—may—even—replace—me—with—a—non-golem.
- Job-o-Tron: Tertiary—objective—activated. Step—one: Acquire—object—designated—"hobo—bindle."
- Job-o-Tron: Step—two: Proceed—with—new—career—as—a—wastrel—and/or—vagrant.
During Queen's Jubilee (as Hobo-Tron)[edit]
- Can—you—spare—anything—for—a—golem—down—on—its—luck?
- Sorry, I don't have any spare change on me.
- Hobo-Tron: Pardon—me, but—I—believe—this—is—my—corner.
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Ha! As if your kind is capable of believing in anything.
- Hobo-Tron: I—believe—I—was—here—first.
- Seraph Soldier: Golem! Do you have an operating license to perform within our walls?
- Hobo-Tron: License—not—found. Perhaps—we—can—negotiate—an—alternative—
- Seraph Soldier: Move along!
- Hobo-Tron: Taking—requests. I—will—play—your—Krytan—favorites.
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Pay no attention to the golem, folks. I'm the real deal.
- *Marcello sings*
- *Hobo-Tron plays same song*
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Will you buzz off?
- Hobo-Tron: I—require—spare—coins—for—the—asura—gate.
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Any requests for a genuine, human artist?
- *Marcello sings*
- *Hobo-Tron plays same song*
- Marcello DiGiacomo: I will end you if you don't move— May the gods smile on you!
- Hobo-Tron: Seeking—gainful—employment.
- *Marcello sings*
- *Hobo-Tron plays same song*
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Unlike certain others in the vicinity, I need to eat.
- Hobo-Tron: Golem—down—on—its—luck—here.
- Seraph Soldier: You were ordered by the Seraph to move along.
- Hobo-Tron: Apologies—offered. I—will—comply—with—your—directive.
- Marcello DiGiacomo: Thank you, Officer. I'm gratified to see you taking the side of a true artist.
- Seraph Soldier: I don't want to hear it. Move along!
- Hobo-Tron: Errors—have—been—made. I—should—not—be—here.
- Idle chatter
- Hobo-Tron: I—wonder—what—the—subdirector—is—doing.
During A Very Merry Wintersday (as Ho-Ho-Tron)[edit]
- During Aid those affected by Scarlet's attack on Divinity's Reach by donating to Ho-Ho-Tron
- Facial—scan—reveals—a—99.999—percent—match—to—the—bioform—who—rescued—me—from—Scarlet. Can—you—aid—me—again—and—donate—for—those—impacted—by—her—attack—on—Divinity's—Reach?
- Donation—mode—accessed. Please—choose—your—level—of—charity.
- How about this ugly sweater? (if have any in inventory)
- Have a copper.
- I'll donate a silver.
- A gold for a good cause.
- Maybe another time.
Sure, I'll donate.
- Memory—files—since—Scarlet—attack—accessed: this—unit—was—put—on—trial—in—Divinity's—Reach—for—its—role—innn—the—Queen's—Jubilee—incident.
- After—a—short—trial, this—unit—was—declared—guilty—of—aiding—and—abetting—a—criminal.
- The—judges—were—confused—on—how—to—punish—a—machine. They—negated—an—incarceration—ruling—and—commissioned—this—unit—to—raise—recompense—for—Divinity's—Reach.
- I know you're innocent. Let me help you out with a donation. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- Wow. You got a bum deal.
But you were kidnapped, right? You didn't do anything wrong.
- Um, clearly—your—memory—is—faulty. Please—refrain—from—repeating—this—error. Especially—around—members—of—the—legal—body—of—Divinity's—Reach.
- Maybe a donation will put you back in their good graces. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- I need to be going.
Wait a minute. I remember you asking Scarlet about being a hench-golem.
For what?
- Sounds rough. Good-bye.
You're the golem from the Queen's Jubilee! How have you been?
- Proximity—does—not—equal—relationship. The—minstrel—and—I—are—forced—to—solicit—donations.
- If it helps you, I'll donate. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- Memory—files—since—Scarlet—attack—accessed: this—unit—was—put—on—trial—in—Divinity's—Reach—for—its—role—innn—the—Queen's—Jubilee—incident.
- I'll donate. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- Negative. I—was—captured—by—Scarlet—and—forced—to—entertain—her. After—she—fled, I—was—arrested—and—charged—for—aiding—the—criminal.
- I'll donate. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- The—Divinity's—Reach—legal—body—ruled—that—this—unit—was—still—liable—for—its—inactions. I—am—tasked—with—raising—donations—to—aid—those—affected—by—Scarlet's—attack.
- I'll help you out. (Same as "Sure, I'll donate")
- I need to be going.
You're not in jail, so what happened?
- Tough luck.
You aided her?
- Good-bye.
Still hanging around with that minstrel, I see.
- Not right now.
- During Aid those affected by Scarlet's attack on Divinity's Reach by donating to Ho-Ho-Tron
- Access—some—Wintersday—cheer—with—a—donation—to—Divinity's—Reach—today.
- Donate—money—to—help—humanoids—affected—by—Scarlet's—rampage. I—was—there. It—was—horrible.
- Doesn't—that—minstrel—look—shifty? Donate—your—coins—to—me—instead.
- Accessing—Consortium—persuasion—programming: You, donate—to—the—Divinity's—Reach—fund. It's—a—win—win.
- Greetings. Spare—change—for—disadvantaged—humanoids?
- Upon Donating 1 Ugly Wool Sweater
- Another—sweater—of—dubious—origin.
- This—apparel—offends—my—optics.
- I—am—itchy—just—looking—at—your—donation.
- I—suppose—you—meant—well.
- Has—this—been—washed?
- Upon Donating 1 Copper
- I've—interacted—with—orphans—who—possessed—deeper—pockets.
- Oh, look—at—the—big—spender—here.
- That's—not—a—donation. That's—sarcasm.
- That—was—literally—the—least—you—could—do.
- That's—it?
- Upon Donating 1 Silver
- Your—donation—will—likely—prevent—someone—from—starving. That—is—admirable.
- That's—it. Show—those—copper-donating—misers—the—definition—of—charity.
- Thanks—to—you, the—orphans—won't—have—to—burn—each—other—to—stay—warm—tonight.
- Thank—you. If—I—possessed—a—heart, it—would—be—several—degrees—warmer.
- Your—charity—is—admirable. I—will—record—this—quantifiable—kindness.
- Upon Donating 1 Gold
- If—I—had—eyeballs,tear—ducts,moisture,and—emotions, I—would—be—weeping—over—your—generosity.
- Your—generosity—will—purchase—food, medical—care, and—clean—sheets—for—disaster—victims.
- The—less—fortunate—will—eat—a—meal—tonight—not—made—with—meat—of—suspicious—origin.
- My—circuits—can—barely—process—the—delight—from—your—donation.
During Escape from Lion's Arch, Battle for Lion's Arch and Battle for Lion's Arch: Aftermath (as Heal-o-Tron)[edit]
- In Gendarran Fields
- (If you haven't interacted with Ho-Ho-Tron)
- Greetings. Scanning—for—injuries. Results: you—are—in—nominal—health. Diagnosis: you—are—not—yet—dead. Maintain—this—status—for—optimal—existence.
- Current—designation: Heal-o-Tron. This—unit—diagnoses—and—treats—illnesses—and—injuries. Current—assignment: assisting—Lionguard—medical—personnel—during—ongoing—disaster.
- Correct. This—unit—was—formerly—designated—Job-o-Tron, Hobo-Tron, and—Ho-Ho-Tron. Health—tip: avoid—eating—rotten—corpses.
- Lion's Arch? Do you know anything about the attack on
- So, you're a Lionguard golem?
- Got it.
Current designation? You had other names?
- Negative. This—unit—is—unaffiliated—with—Scarlet—and—her—current—actions. This—unit—must—counteract—her—violence—to—the—best—of—its—programming.
- Correct. This—unit—was—improperly—found—guilty—of—aiding—Scarlet—in—the—past. This—unit—seeks—to—correct—this—faulty—assertion—using—its—programming.
- This—unit's—Consortium—basic—programming—contains—an—extensive—medical—and—biological—database. This—unit—will—aid—those—wounded—by—Scarlet.
- Do you know anything about the attack on Lion's Arch?
- Interesting.
What's your plan?
- So, you're a Lionguard golem?
- Okay, then.
- So, you're a Lionguard golem?
- Good luck.
Do you know anything about the attack on Lion's Arch?
- Negative. Volunteer—status—engaged. This—unit's—current—objective—is—to—show—a—disloyal—state—to—Scarlet. Health—tip: wash—hands—after—genocide.
- Do you know anything about the attack on Lion's Arch?
- Good luck with that.
So, you're a Lionguard golem? A Lion-golem?
- Interesting.
Who are you?
- Thanks, I guess.
After the Battle for Lion's Arch: Aftermath[edit]
- Facial—scan—complete. You—are—the—deleter—of—Scarlet. This—unit—is—engaged—in—celebration—mode. Would—you—like—to—hear—a—poem—I—computed—for—the—occasion?
- Scarlet—is—alive, Scarlet—is—dead.
- Er, it's—a—work—in—progress.
- So, why is a golem celebrating Scarlet's death? (Same as "Why is a golem celebrating Scarlet's death?" below)
- Right.
Is that it?
- I'll be going now.
- This—unit—was—once—kidnapped—by—Scarlet—and—then—blamed—for—aiding—her. Assisting—in—the—Lionguard—relief—effort—is—part—of—a—routine—to—clear—my—criminal—subfile.
- Result—not—available—at—this—time. This—unit—will—repair—the—wounded—until—resolution.
- About this poem. (Repeats the poem)
- Good luck.
Did it work?
Why is a golem celebrating Scarlet's death?
- No, thanks.
- Lion's Arch
- Scanning. You—are—not—wounded. This—is—beneficial—for—your—future—health.
- Uh, thanks.
During Festival of the Four Winds (as Heal-o-Tron)[edit]
- Please—donate—to—the—Lion's—Arch—reconstruction—fund. It—is—a—supremely—worthy—cause, and—once—the—donation—threshold—has—been—reached, I—will—trigger—the—start—of—the—Boss—Blitz.
- Victory—gyrations—commencing—in—ERROR. Victory—gyrations—temporarily—suspended—by—Appropriate—Behavior—Protocol—17. Reconfiguring—response—parameters: Thank—you. Please—choose—your—donation—level.
- 1 silver
- 10 silver
- 50 silver
- 1 gold
- Maybe another time.
I'd like to make a donation.
- Rewarding. I—get—to—aid—my—new—home (cross—reference: Lion's—Arch) and—my—new—neighbors (cross—reference: rapacious, bloodthirsty—pirates—and—their—ilk) and—thus—justify—the—trust—they've—placed—in—me.
- Keep up the good work.
Good to see you gainfully employed again. How are you liking the new job?
- Good-bye.
- Heal-o-Tron: Your—information—is—outdated, constable. I—have—already—paid—my—societal—debt—to—Divinity's—Reach.
- Heal-o-Tron: The—Lionguard—has—recruited—me—as—an—emergency—relief—worker. I—am—here—today—in—that—capacity.
- Ministry Guard: Tell it to the tribunal. You're a known collaborator. You sang for Scarlet. Come quietly or I'll dismantle you.
- Braham Eirsson: Whoa there! Did you just threaten a hero of Lion's Arch?
- Rox: That little guy saved a lot of lives when Scarlet attacked the city.
- Rox: If you want him, you'll have to go through us. And afterward you'll answer to Magnus the Bloody-Handed himself.
- Ministry Guard: I—er—Grenth's teeth! If your story doesn't pan out, I'll be back.
- Heal-o-Tron: Thank—you—for—your—assistance. Returning—to—Divinity's—Reach—was—a—concern, as—I—was—not—sure—I'd—be—allowed—to—leave.
- Rox: And the fact that you came anyway proves you're worthy of respect.
- Heal-o-Tron: I—had—to—come. Lion's—Arch—still—needs—help—that—I—am—in—a—position—to—provide.
- Braham Eirsson: Stick close. If the law hassles you again, I want to be there to set 'em straight.
- Heal-o-Tron: Agreed. And—if—the—local—authorities—do—incarcerate—me, I—hope—you—will—buy—my—billet.
- Rox: I don't think they do that here. But rest assured. If they lock you up, we'll get you out. One way or the other.
Before Lion's Arch Rebuilt[edit]
- Conversations on the parapets of Fort Marriner
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Parts of the city are still unsafe. But once we fix—
- Citizen: I'm tired of excuses, Magnus. The city's a wreck. If you can't get Lion's Arch on its feet, you're going to wake up and find this a ghost town.
- Captain Ellen Kiel: Who was that?
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: One of the hungry. Jobless. In mourning. And her anger is going to have company when we bring more of them back in.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: We're not ready for this. We've barely started to make the city livable again.
- Captain Ellen Kiel: Then today is your lucky day. I've brought you some help.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: So, this floating trash can...is a refugee?
- Captain Ellen Kiel: More than that. We've got ourselves a hero.
- Hero-Tron: Bzzt. Hero. Accessing—monicker—protocol. Reformatting—primary—identity.
- Captain Ellen Kiel: This golem healed the wounded. He stormed Scarlet's platforms with us, and without weapons.
- Captain Ellen Kiel: And now the Seraph want to take him away for "helping Scarlet" when he did nothing of the sort.
- Hero-Tron: Bzzt. This—unit—is—now—designated—Hero-Tron.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Whatever. Kiel vouches for you, and that's good enough for me. I'll find a use for you.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: As head of the Lionguard, and member in good standing of the Captain's Council, I proclaim Hero-Tron a free citizen of Lion's Arch.
- Captain Ellen Kiel: Seconded. Consider yourself home, golem.
- Hero-Tron: Happiness—mode—engaged. Victory—gyrations—in...3...2...1...
- Hero-Tron: Query: What—will—be—done—about—the—Seraph?
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: They can walk the plank.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Divinity's Reach has the time to hunt for a golem, but it doesn't have time to help Lion's Arch when Scarlet attacks?
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: And after this city hosted a relief effort for them during Wintersday?
- Captain Ellen Kiel: What Magnus is saying is, I don't think you have to worry about the Seraph anymore.
- Hero-Tron: What—if—they—come—to—reclaim—this—unit?
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: I'll sign their extradition with a torch.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: So, if you're going to be my aide, I have to ask. What exactly do you...do?
- Hero-Tron: This—unit—is—programmed—with—a—variety—of—skills—ranging—from—
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Look, we're going to have a lot of people coming back without homes or jobs.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: No jobs mean lots of idle hands. I can handle a little crime. This city was founded on it. But riots? They'll end everything.
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Can you help people get back to work?
- Hero-Tron: I—can—do—that.
- Evon Gnashblade: There he is, the hero of the hour. So, my son, how did it go?
- Hero-Tron: Error: This—unit—is—not—your—offspring.
- Evon Gnashblade: It's a term of affection. Now, answer the question.
- Hero-Tron: For—this—unit's—service—during—Scarlet's—termination, this—unit—was—granted—amnesty—and—employment—with—the—Captain's—Council.
- Hero-Tron: This—unit—will—have—a—revenue—stream—to—repay—this—unit's—debt—to—you. Our—transaction—will—be—complete.
- Evon Gnashblade: Complete? Oh, no. No, not at all. I saw your ID number when I was installing the combat chassis before your rumble with Scarlet.
- Evon Gnashblade: Traced it back to the source. Consortium. Seems they ran into some trouble on Southsun a while back.
- Evon Gnashblade: Involuntary servitude. An unsafe workplace. Substandard living quarters. And at the center of it all, a little golem named Job-o-Tron.
- Evon Gnashblade: It'd be a shame if Magnus's new golden boy was linked to such nasty business. Why, with the situation in the city, well... They'd dismantle you.
- Evon Gnashblade: So keep on listening. And keep on coming back to me with all the juicy tidbits.
- Evon Gnashblade: And don't you dare cross me. You can run, but you'll never run far enough.