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Help Frode convince frightened Kryptis to leave. Defeat any loyalists

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Help Frode convince frightened Kryptis to leave. Defeat any loyalists

Help Frode convince frightened Kryptis to leave. Defeat any loyalists is a level 80 group event happening during the preparation phase with Frode of The Fangs That Gnash meta event. Players must help the Kryptis in the camp by providing food, Carrying Water.png Carrying Water or medical resources.


  • Trust Gained
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Before the event starts
Tharon: They camp just ahead. You are powerful beings. You have reason to hate us. But I've seen your kindness.
Frode: There are no loyalists here, Tharon? You say they are afraid. Of us? Of Eparch?
Tharon: Both. But if you help them, perhaps they will see beyond your monstrous exteriors, as I did.
Frode: Tall task, Wayfinder. See if you can help us gain their trust. Or at least keep them from joining Eparch.
Talking to Frode
Frode: We'll need to gain the trust of these Kryptis—win 'em to our side. Or at least keep them from joining the loyalists.
Talk more option tango.png What can I do?
They need medicine, food, and water. Tharon says food and water should be close, and the trees produce a sap that can be made into ointment.
Talk end option tango.png I'll handle it.
Talk end option tango.png I'll have to get back to you later.
Helping a Kryptis, one of the following
<Kryptis>: Thank you, strange one. Thank you.
<Kryptis>: This is restorative. As is your presence.
<Kryptis>: You have saved my life. I am in your debt.
<Kryptis>: (howls)
Followed up by one of the following
Frode: There you go! Peitha and the Astral Ward are your allies!
Frode: Remember, we're the good guys—spread the word!
Frode: Good. The quicker we can help them, the better.
Event success
Frode: Deft work, Wayfinder. Quite a display of diplomacy for a monster.
Tharon: I see that my own trust was not misplaced. And I meant no insult; in your world you may well be inoffensive to behold.
Frode: This should keep our backs secure. Maybe even win us a few allies. Let's move ahead.

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