Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Haze Heart

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Haze Heart


Void Amalgamate portrait.png


Haze Hearts are large Haze coalescences summoned by the Legendary Ravenous Wanderer, once its defiance bar is depleted, on the surface in the Excavation Yard.



Event involvement[edit]

Destroy the ravenous wanderer
Red Boss.png Destroy the south haze heart! (80)
Red Boss.png Destroy the eastern haze heart (80)
Red Boss.png Destroy the northwestern haze heart (80)

Combat abilities[edit]


DefianceDefiance bar teal.pngHaze Heart Break: Staggering a haze heart resonates between each heart and exposes them to additional damage.

  • Haze Erosion
  • Haze Burst
Stolen skills

Related achievements[edit]

  • What Lies Within (achievements).png What Lies Within: Triple BypassDuring the final battle of Gyala Delve, destroy all three haze hearts during a single window of opportunity. (2Achievement points)
    • Defeat all three Haze Hearts before the timer (60 seconds) runs out.