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< Gust
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February 14, 2023
- Gust: This skill is now ground-targetable.
“Push foes backward with a burst of air.
- Knockback: 400
- Number of Targets: 5
- Defiance Break: 150
- Range: 1,200
— In-game description
February 28, 2022
- (Undocumented) Added tooltip fact Defiance Break.
- Profession
Elementalist (skill list)
- Weapon
- Staff
- Attunement
- Air
- Game link
“Push foes backward with a burst of air.
- Knockback: 400
- Number of Targets: 5
- Defiance Break: 150
- Range: 1,200
— In-game description
September 22, 2017
- Gust: This skill will no longer queue; if able, it will interrupt other skills in order to cast.
June 20, 2017
- Gust: The reliability of the Gust projectile has been improved.
April 19, 2016
- Gust: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Profession
Elementalist (skill list)
- Weapon
- Staff
- Attunement
- Air
- Game link
“— In-game description
September 09, 2014
- Gust Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the effect of this skill to end early.
- Added a Number of Targets: 5 skill fact.
June 25, 2013
- Gust: This skill now passes through enemies, striking multiple foes in a line.
Original version
“— In-game description