Guild Chat - Episode 55
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Guild Chat - Episode 55
- Title
- The Griffon
- Host
- Rubi Bayer
- Guests
- Roy Cronacher
Josh Diaz
Joel Helmich - Date
- October 6, 2017
- Official video
- YouTube
The following is an unofficial, player-written transcript of the episode. The accuracy of this transcription has not been verified by ArenaNet.
The 55th episode of Guild Chat aired on October 6, 2017. Host Rubi Bayer interviews some of the developers involved in the Griffon mount.
there's a crisis going on in alona in an area that we have not been to in 202 years Park Lane hi guys and happy Friday welcome back to guild chat I'm your host Ruby and we're gonna be talking all about the Gryphon today I have some of our Gryphon devs with us so I'll let you guys introduce yourselves talk about what you worked on with the Gryphon and I want to know if you think that Griffin is more of a cat or more of a bird now we're gonna have this fight on camera yeah we will Rory chroniker designer on Ben's team and team lead definitely think it's more of a cat all right I'm Josh Diaz game designer worked on rewards and stuff and I think the Gryphon is more of a bird but a bird is a tip okay no stop that how about you Joel guess I'm looking this way it's super weird but I'm a blue programmer also did a lot of design work on this thing time on it and it is absolutely cat there's no question also Griffon master yeah test pilot Griffon master and gets the cool seat because you get flighted yes are allowed so alright well um why don't we start with one of the things that you guys talked about in interviews this week we did some interviews with some of our friends the press and we talked about why we decided to keep the Griffon a secret for a while so can't give a recap for those people who missed out yeah sure um so we actually know it would be a secret for quite a while it was a secret from you yeah even from us we just kind of we're developing we knew we wanted to do 5 mounts from the beginning um and kind of plan that from the beginning um we looked at like what train types we wanted different ones to accomplish and we knew we always wanted to attempt an aerial kind of balance but we definitely didn't know we want to have it hidden until fairly deep into the process when we were looking for a potential reward or something really cool to have as a surprise for players event expansion yeah one of our one of our one of the rules we kind of set for ourselves developing paths fire was there like we should try to delight the players and so when when we started seeing what what ROI and Joel and the mounts team we're doing with the Gryphon some of us were really struck with the idea that like this this is this is like a pinnacle of path afire this is an amazing example of what we wanted to do with Matz and what we believed we could do and it felt like a good capstone and so trying to think about what what makes this special and how do we keep it special without without you know breaking the rest of the game or make you know without without breaking the sequence of and the story pieces we put together and so it kind of came out of that process that make sense I do have to say it feels weird to say five melts and actually an interesting point on that is that after Pat the fire went live none of us touched the collection on like nobody here at ArenaNet did anything to the collection on life until one of you guys had unlocked it because that opened it up into the API and wanted you guys to see it in her eyes we had to wait yep we had to suffer a few days without the girlfriend we did you guys it was hard we had we had charts and and you know measurements going and there were people watching like a hawk being like okay this many players here this many players have seen this bit and you know kind of a fevered like phone tree can we go can we go can we do it now but like we knew that it would be really cool to see how it spread and how players told each other about this thing and like that the first person who got it gets to parade around parade around and show it off in places and that like you know the various forums and guild message boards and web sites people would start passing this around and someone would start documenting and like we saw all of that and that was really cool it was really nice like just seeing it on like the time when we launched like seeing it go from oh hey people don't even know about this mount to I think the first time you guys saw it was someone found one of the ones who can temporarily ride and someone was flying around but we were like oh hey you guys don't even know the half of it then everyone found B the story and found the collection and then started working through it then when you guys finally unlocked it and saw its full potential weapon mastery is it's really cool to see some of those videos start to come out yeah that was amazing I did see there was a player comment that I loved somebody was saying you know they're riding around they're on there they're on their mounts and they're like riding around in their Jackel like hello peasants looking at the people and they're like no the Griffon was one of the first mounts you guys came up with right creature's yeah it was first no because we started prototyping with the Raptor but we definitely knew we wanted to do a Griffin as one of the first mounts that we did like we had to look for a creature that would work as something that can run quickly along the ground and fly through the air so it's kind of limiting of like what kind of creature we can actually do we've initially thought of maybe like it's more focused on air but then it felt bad like trying to run on the ground like slow and compromised like ground speed too much so one breath Griffin and it just kinda stuck where he had versions of Griffin's in the game everyone got excited about that yeah he's ran with it and this is I'm just going to take this as a personal favor I don't care that it actually wasn't but the Griffin was gonna be the fourth not jackal was gonna be like the cool fifth mount yeah well I mean that was that was back when he couldn't do any dives or anything cool like that right yeah kind of like oh it can flap a couple times that's that's sort of the need really sure like we didn't we didn't think it'd be super amazing it's just think oh this is cool well uh it feels real I keep feeling I need to turn around and talk to you guys but cameras here and so the idea was the the jackal would be a sort of master of the desert like once you got him is like okay now you can unlock everything yeah and this goes back to the it's kind of all tied into this became the secret mount where initially it was gonna be the fourth and we messed around the fit into realized well it's okay but it's not super compelling I keep doing and so we can't was like oh well let's go back to the drawing board try make a little better more more interesting and so I Perla typed out the whole dive mechanic and stuff and hey you remember that meeting we were yeah when we first showed it to everyone showed it to Moe and he's like we need to chip this yeah everyone had so much fun yeah it was funny because I'd spent a couple nights before partner-in-crime Darrin and I we're like okay well let's make this thing stupid let's like make it as fast as we can oh yeah the super speed yeah and and so we're trying to what is the fastest thing we can do without breaking physics yeah we found you can go too fast you end up gone through walls and stuff which is funny but we didn't want that so piggy okay here's a safe know where that's about as high as we can get it it's gonna be too high they're gonna tell slow down there's no way we can ship this there was a point where its top speed would like take it through the terrain wasn't yeah we had to dial back a bit we still picked in everybody thought was too big yeah but like you know if we overshot it then we'd be told to back off to where we actually wanted it say like the one of the first rules of tuning is like go twice as big or twice as small as you think you need just to get a sense of the family because yeah it turns out that it's if it's too close initially then no one's gonna tell you to adjust it and it's really good to that but you know it's doing well when you have a play test and everyone's just kind of like laughing and having fun and you're not even at the Polish version yet it's perfect um you know what speaking of testing and tweaking this is probably a good time our animation guys made an awesome video showing kind of the work on this thing over the past year so so let's peek at that really quick because I kind of love it you watch you sit around the campfire this is way back in August 2016 has started yeah we've been gay 30 IPM for a while it's easy to forget how primitive it was animation see the strings shoutouts to the animation team they've done an amazing job come a far away seriously watching the progression and how it used to look it's just incredible it's easy free I like I used to test things when they look like this yeah boys are tough to to try and like imagine while look like when you're like making these movements that's for the creature and like way less you look like in the Polish version and you can actually see the progression ever getting less clunky and awful actually having animations for all the oh there's one in particular that I'm waiting on that I love yeah that one just gained stuck in the ground yes that's probably before we even had the material effect for faking elements probably yeah it's also interesting to see how long this has been going on and it's not just something that we threw to get a ton of iteration to get to get it to work well and feel well and that was one of the amazing things to see right the back and forth with the the environment artists and the map designers working over there like ok how how far can this go I'm curious a little bit about that like like how the the boundaries and stuff got set um was that was that like established at the outset or or no question actually probably less as I would say I think we're just trying to make something crazy in the beginning and like who I felt good then we had to like rein it in slightly I mean for the Griffon I think the biggest thing was like it not being able to gain like much like vertical height from it's like starting to say funny story we'll talk about that basically we don't want to like from the ground like be able to go up higher than like the Springer could jump to like invalidate obviously if you jump off like a high point like you can do a bunch of stuff with the Griffon but we didn't want to just like clearly be like up it can fly up to this ledge that you don't need anything else so there's a lot of tweaking what those numbers Joel's a lot of the time okay Joe what's your story about that well it's so before then I think part of what helped here is we after we decided okay there's gonna be the secret mouth fairy tale into the game you've basically done everything it's okay if it's a little broken and so if the maps you know we don't have to be as careful about well this and this opposed needs to be perfectly history yeah it's fine so we're just gonna happen Trent yeah anyway yes the fence story on the on the altitude limit thing so when I was tuning this thing actually hmm maybe be better structured can you show you show Thea the the flight plan thing it's just sort of like sure this is how I expected people to fly this thing oh yeah Joel art fabulous yeah so so basically the the thought was to really use this thing correctly you find a high spot dive off but really fast and then pull back up at the end and very long distance without losing very much LT okay or you can do it the boring way and just sort of flap across and you lose LT like a glider and in order to tune the numbers so that that felt good it then made it possible to gain altitude infinitely because if you just dive and immediately pull up I see a hand why is there hand so if you just dive and immediately pull up over and over and over and over again you gain infinite height and I remember talking to a Kevin stocker about this whenever a design finally yeah yeah I guess this video sure it's like what your position was but uh and you say okay well it's easy just like you put it you put the ceiling on there you just say okay well you start here and here's the ceiling I went that is the stupidest idea it's the dumbest thing that'll never work so then like four months later so basically it's it's the soft ceiling so what it does is if it keeps track of where you last left the ground and then after you get a certain height above that it starts cranking up gravity until it's impossible to climb anymore and that seems to mostly work most people can't really tell it's there which is perfect yeah so that's that is how we sort of protected against the just start from the ground to go all the way up to the top of the mountain there's a lot of work that went went into like subtle things like that where it's like a lot of you guys might not realize there might be a parent but love it was like set up that way so there's a lot of stuff in the background helping to regulate like how high you can go a lot of that nuances with the feel of the mount all that that just really like culminates into that experience of flying around like it makes sense like antics I know that that took a long time and I'm still not very good at it but it's clear like oh I need to move a little more like this yeah so if you're clumsy then it's okay because so are we yeah it's tough to really get something like this to feel natural especially and just not ground new event but also air movement since you have like a 3d space to move around in yeah you have more spaces to work with and one of the biggest pieces of feedback we've seen and you and I have talked about this a lot is how good and realistic the mounts feel as far as their movement and their weight distribution yeah that's important to you because especially early on especially before animations like it was tough to make it feel like add weight and the air like it's hard to make it feel like it's not just something that's kind of like floaty and the air and actually like fuels like this creature would feel like like flying like naturally because you have to like set it up so that as a player when you're looking at this creature it should feel like how you would expect this creature to be flying through there and that's really hard to do and it has a lot of a small and you wants things through your like animation effects physics all that stuff well Joe you had talked to me a little bit about the progression of just getting this thing programmed and put together and you made like changes to the wing flap that feels like it kind of ties into that it had didn't have to but yeah so way back in the beginning back way back when it was gonna have to and that carried forward initially when we said okay now it's getting now can diving stuff can do like fancy flying and eventually we had a lot of sort of shuffling around iteration and stuff and eventually they got evolved into just one to simplify it and that's actually really about it invincibly you know also we added the ability to because there was only one now you can just hold spacebar it'll fire it people know that if you hold a fire the plan see my hand but you know I'm holding space is holding the space well I think you firm so Blasi just landed you do anyway yeah just really hope there's to say about that that works yep well do you guys want to talk a little bit about acquisition or do you have more display go nuts oh yeah please grazie so sort of in general a lot a lot of fancy stuff that we had to do was here's what we want but physics is restricting us in this way for whatever reason and so how do we get around that it's one of the more interesting ones I had to add was the altitude buffer system which is my next fabulous hyssop ain't wrong and so basically what this is now what I found open does that when I was flying around the thing I ended up on he do a lot was to dive really really really far but because there's a speed cap and we want to accelerate to that cap before too long it was wasteful to keep diving Pat once you hit your max speed and so what they did is a additi system where after you hit your max speed it remembers this is how much further you've fallen and then when you go to pull up again as long as that number is not zero it drops the gravity drastically so you can get most of that height back it's just an altitude buffer it's what I called it so you can see this very high-tech graph the there are some sections like here is where you're accumulating buffer and on the other end as I can here's where you're consuming it and that's how you end up basically back up where you started I like I don't need an Excel spreadsheet this does the jobs I can tell exactly you're talking about I like it so we get yeah even this is high enough probably and so I've probably accumulated I don't know thousand two thousand units of buffer they're all back I mean pretend that it does it's kinda hard to show it's totally working totally working a lot of words right nobody knows what is happening really the very first thing I had to do was if this is a series of physical eyes here this is all like all fake physics um but in order to do that the pull out and maintaining maintaining your speed what it does is it just after you get over a certain speed it just remembers this is how fast you're going and then says you will keep going this fast - whatever friction slows you down so I can't like when they went flying straight I can't accelerate up to his maximum speed when I dive and then pull out because I was going that fast you'll say okay well you were going that fast so I'll give it to you when I turn really hard he remembers okay well you're going that fast I'll let you keep going that fast so it simulates having the pressure of the air and such pushing as you take a herd bank but it's not actually like we're not we're not simulating everything it's soul pretending magic is lots of magic stay in school and study your mathematics yeah and then and then throw them all out when working games and pretend just create your own rules another really fun one seems to have worked out well so earlier on in the thing I was flying around low for the weather and stuff and one of the things I found is really fun to do is to fly super low like you could you die for the car and then you pull out level and then you fly really far and they pull up again and in order to encourage that I bet most people don't know about this if you get low enough I drop your terminal velocity so it's basically it simulates a ground effect where the cushion of air underneath you it's but but you didn't even know about that yeah some others really subtle things so the the actual most efficient thing to do if you're low for body water or something else that's very flat is to get low enough that is probably kicks in right around here and so you don't lose very much altitude and then at the very end you can pull back up again yeah it creates a cool feeling of like just like going over water so they might only regret there as I never forgot undetected you like water really maybe eventually baby mist they really want to do that why I didn't actually mention that still he was like you guys that he has to invent the timed yeah someday 24 minutes 24 minutes we made it this is why it's so awesome organ with this team like the level of detail and thought and like no no we're going to work a some day work on simulating the water splashing behind you like that's that's just really that would look incredible that looks so cool and I kind of went to figure out a way to hound you into doing it now we got we've got this this effect you just like scale it up in this post right [Laughter] that was fantastic so beyond the rooster tail over the water that we have not made but it's easy apparently what else on this Griffin over those year I mean this is I think those are the good ones there's a lot of other just details but that's like you said there are so many tiny little things going into this to make it feel there is there's lots of little bits tuning and there's lots of time you can spend perfecting flight like I know there's adventures in each of the maps and we've even had in people internally like Lisa and Rob going compete for the best times within fractions of seconds I used to be the best of Griffin and real and Preston they started making adventures and I was they put in making sure the adventures were tuned was like serious hours of gameplay actually tried to beat their scores on a couple of them I was like I don't even know how they got those little a little bit I do like how we put those adventures in with the goal of making I guess a making players get better you have to get not just get better but like learn the mechanics yes get a good feel for it when you know we saw okay well this is how the Griffin is composed at the beginning as you're giving the masteries and then at the end right um some folks got very good at it very quickly and and some of us did not and we knew that like similarly some players would would what a place to practice a place to use it that was true with all the mounts right the building the mount camps and making sure like there's an environment that suited it teach you the different types of yeah jumps and bounds and movements that they're capable of and and since the the getting the Griffin required such a big array of things we thought like like okay we should be able to teach that in a lot of different places so uh rob who built those adventures we talked and we specifically plan to like build them out with expectations of different mastery tiers in different levels of here's this new mechanic let's let's make sure that like you learn it not just like we have we have some text that tells you what it is right but like show showed that you can use it and then we'll complicate it and you can use that complication and then it moves on proficient at this by doing it so well they kind of like almost forced you to use the mechanics like if you didn't know about like diving I know I'm one of the adventurous I can think of you have to dive like right in the beginning it's like if you don't dive you're clearly gonna miss that checkpoint so it kind of makes you kind of figure out like oh how do I actually get that then it kind of like all clicks then it's like how do I like make this more efficient and go even faster and keep up my speed as high as possible throughout all these different pull ups and dives and all that and similarly like I think and I think this is something we did well in a in a couple key places or it was that it was based on feel yeah right that it was like okay we want it to feel this way moving and then okay well we want learning it to feel this way we won't please to be aware of these awesome things and feel like they they're confident to go take them out um and so the adventures provided a little like training ground for it but coming at the you know and it was very much like you guys would show like here this is how it works now and they'd go and tune and be like yeah it still feels good we'll make a little more drastic change or add a new a new piece to this mechanic and they go back and iterate again there's a lot back and forth and I think it turned out really well it helped definitely even push Griffen to make sure it was as good as it could possibly be and I think Adventures really showed to like those are all real font okay enjoy playing them a bunch and this isn't necessarily Griffon specific but I am a huge fan of how we did acquisition of all the mounts where you learned its mechanics as you pick it up so it's it's really nice that we continued that with the Griffon and took it up a notch because this is the this is the big cool final man who is more complex and definitely a harder to get into just because it has multiple different things they can use and use like wing flaps and different scenarios like pulling up or diving or just maintain altitude so there's a lot more variety of like what you can do with the inflate movement but while while y'all were planning like how good does this thing feel well there were also folks thinking about like well where does it come from why is it here and what you know why is there this thing that's this awesome in the world and how will players discover it quick important note sorry we're not going to spoil the story so you're safe you don't have to leave we are very careful about not spoiling the story for those of you who haven't finished it carry on good good warning but so it you know we we thought we do like okay this is gonna be a secret this is gonna be something really special and come at the end and we were we we thought of some of the connections and the the you know historical place the the story behind it and you know worked on developing a home and making sure that like okay across the map so here these story beats that we want that we were you know world beats that we want to draw attention to and we need to tie some threads back together and like make this make sense and and similarly like with the adventures and with the mountain itself it was this process of like I think we can I think we can do a little more I think we can push this ahead and so there was almost a sense of one-upsmanship like like you know it'd be like Oh they've added this animation feels really cool look at look at the state it's going here and you'd be like maybe we mean maybe we need to think a little harder about this right maybe we need to push you know add add something here Oh interesting to write like having to keep it basically hidden until like the end of the expansion and how you like basically lay that out for players as something you keep hidden but also something that's like discoverable when you get to that point you know we we knew we knew like the first person would have to find it somehow and then folks would be able to hear it from from people in their guilds from people on the maps to be able to but it's working people with it that that there's there's a way Holy on your own to discover it and it may not be obvious if you know it's not gonna be as crystal clear as it would be looking it up but they're clues and hints and that's something that that in Guild Wars one there were a couple of really great examples that are held up as like things you should push for and do with the black markers I knew it I was like it and so so keeping that in our minds about like this is this is the kind of stuff that that we should be pushing and building for and how do we how do we make this work how do we make something that feels like you're exploring how do we make something that feels you know exciting to pursue and worthwhile on its own you know there's things like it's it's it's expensive to earn but we want to make sure that it feels like it makes sense where that's coming from why it's worth it what and the cost is something that we thought about yeah yeah we deliberately planned and knew that like this is this is what it's going to take to do this but we can do things like break it up into smaller purchases across a bunch of different places so that it you can make progress so you actually you'd like all the money I wanna do a bad time yeah you're down and they're like you'll you'll eventually be able to do it and it's predictable it's not controlled by the you know Trading Post pricing and things like that it's stuff that's very much in the players hands and that that the blegh that the majority of the players time and energy and we did a lot of modeling did he do this out but the majority of your time and energy is actually going to be spent playing things to get this which is kind of the goal yeah see it's interesting like going through playing different pieces of content that you might have not explored or like different sections a map some when going through ill coming back and seeing things a little differently and like now you've got several of the other mouths that we're helping to have other moments too yeah like on live why I went through like having all the other amounts upgraded definitely made my life yeah we thought we thought a lot about making sure that you know uh some of the key hubs felt like like there were two or three different experiences you'd get of each one when you came back at a certain you know a certain tier at a certain place that like oh now I can come in this way oh and then it has a lot of flat rooftops oh there's there's all these mountain passes in the desolation that I can get through right that looks I'm sorry I'm having casino coin flashbacks oh my god sorry you said flat rooftops in am-noon I was like oh gosh what time is it like the environment artists and the map designers you built as a play space inside like let's make things to take advantage of this let's let's you know um I guess fun as it is for the players to get it it's also really fun when your teammates challenge you and give you a playground and they're like make something cool for this and you're like I want to make something cool for this I have noticed historically when you guys get involved in that one-upmanship you're talking about everybody wins yeah pushing Josh said like you see someone else do something cool and you're like I can take advantage of that or how I can tweak this thing I'm working on to play into that more yeah it's it's a good model of working together I will say my only regret for the whole Griffon collection is that I did not get myself a back door [Laughter] I don't either I'm slacker I have it well of course you do I mean I would for the weekend for launch weekend luckily they have crazy issues to hotfix so had some spare time well you probably won't want me programming yeah do you really do you really want we figured ready to help you with those issues that's like when people tell us you know stop posting on Twitter and Facebook and fix the game really all right guys gather we should let you make some content do you do you really want that to happen I don't know awesome I promise you don't ever know you can make the next best thing let's talk later I'm only half kidding because I don't program but let's see what happens we can actually program Oh No all right so I do want to talk a little bit about the masteries on the Gryphon because they're kind of great the first one is mounting in midair yeah which I just think you soaring rescue I was like oh gosh what's it called what's called its Matt midair yeah yeah that's cool um it was kind of like this feeling of like you'd be falling to your death and you kind of similar to a glider you'd want to be able to mount up on your Griffon and either like dive further and pick up speed and do crazy maneuvers or just have it like help you float to safety kind of seemed like a natural fit wait you dismounting in the air because at least on a bunch of the mounts it would like on the Springer we wouldn't want you to be able to dismount in the air Oh - or a glider because it would break a lot of things I have a very quick story about how I used a TTFN stone on a friend who happened to be jumping across Canyon on his Raptor and so yeah I could have I would have really liked hooker fin at that point yeah suddenly I was falling to my own wily coyote I swear to God the reality of the whole thing though is I thought I have a really big bag as the 32 slot bag I mean honestly that's what like half the things in your bed like well it'd look cool let's do it yeah I mean that's where a lot of ideas come from is like we think this would be your like really fun or look cool and it's like dry out it feels good because it looks cool alright next one is the rapid dive which we've seen and I love this thing that's the basic dive and and the it's got the boost on the second on the third yeah the second tier is the ability to dive and to pull off which opens up a lot of stuff and really opens up its actual like feeling of flying before that you're kind of like flapping around a bit but what's your unlock that as you can see Joel flying around you can do a bunch of crazy stuff as you guys I'm sure have seen oh yeah it's easy to forget like even though diving on the first tier isn't as fast as the second tier it's still really fast yeah and then obviously significant upgrading third tier you open up the ability to use your wing flap while diving or while pulling up so that you can get like the boost to speed while diving to gain even faster speed more quickly or use it when you pull up to like gain a little bit of height as well which varies based on how fast you're going which no one needed to know man there's a there's a lot of Joel stuff that we have to edit out later right we got to make sure this is never out in public what it's one crazy trick the developers don't want you to know Joe he'll make human click date so you guys have gotten a lot of praise on how mounts were implemented and how they worked out yeah and I don't think this one is any exception given how many players I've seen look at me look at me every year are you happy with it yeah we're all extremely happy with it I think like playing around with it internally like you could see a lot of people just having fun running around on now it's and having a good time but you never really know until something's out there if they'll be like a true reflection like of the community and we're like we all have fun with them and gets awesome hopefully everyone else will think the same and luckily everything worked out and for the most part like everyone seems to love mounts have fun with them make crazy videos explore old maps and new ways doing the stuff we didn't expect it's cool yeah you get excited you see what I think I can do and you're like oh my gosh yeah you can't do that one of them I think Ashley was um in the Oasis race I know and actually you jumped off that like building halfway through with the Gryphon to beat anyone in like in any internal test then that one person I forget who put out the video and like just having the Griffon like speed past everyone else on the rafter I was like that's crazy like something we really actually think of able to get up without going far enough behind they got into position and then oh that was poor timing on my part this is that troll thing we were talking about earlier just maybe more troll you're okay right y'all heard the man I will I will up my troll game a little bit all right on that note is there anything else you guys want to say about the Griffin look at how cool it's awesome I'd say everyone should go out there and try and earn it because like seeing it is one thing but really flying around with it is a totally different experience so I just finished the story last night I stayed up like an hour later than I wrote your way guess what I'm doing tonight work on Griffin yes after I take my kids to a concert and like kick them out at Key Arena got it home it's bedtime they have places they want to go I have things I want to do so I will just drive by Key Arena they can tuck and roll mommy's got stuff to do all right well I have a couple things that I do want to talk about before we go first of all we have more goodies from we look fine who actually we love fine is now for fans by fans I have to get used to saying that but we all got these at lunch and these are great except my kid keeps stealing it because she really digs it so I haven't actually got to use it yet but it seems very nice there for fans by fans has these freed you guys too so tada Thank You Joel I also want to mention that we have a giveaway that we're doing on Twitter right now for some gym coats and if you go to the guild wars to Twitter and marques yep there we go mark has our giveaway image just need to retweet we want to see your best Gryphon pictures yeah to see some of those cool ones as soon as as soon as we tweeted that my my whole feed was like full of these gorgeous Griffin pictures I just go check out the hashtag because you especially would be very very happy and most of these guys are going to be doing a dev celebration on reddit in an hour and 15 minutes so if you have any more questions that you want to ask it is an hour and fifty minutes at school if you have more questions that you want to ask check out the guild wars 2 subreddit in about an hour and 15 minutes yep all right all right thank you guys very very much and I will let you get some work done before you go get ready for that and I will see you guys next week I'm Gil Chet bye guys thank you so much