Game updates/2022-10-05
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October 5, 2022
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Update - October 5, 2022[edit]
Bug Fixes[edit]
Reaver's Curse: Reduced endurance gain from 4 to 1 in WvW only.
Tree Song: Reduced endurance gain from 2 to 1 in WvW only.
Tactical Reload: Fixed an issue in which this skill would not reload ammo to skills that are not currently active on the skill bar.
- Mechanist: Fixed a bug that caused the jade mech to have more ferocity than intended.
Continuum Split: Fixed an issue in which this skill would not switch to Continuum Shift.
- Thief: Fixed an issue in which initiative skills would not be grayed out when the thief did not have enough initiative to use them.
- Fixed an erroneous prop in the Black Citadel.
Full Counter: Fixed an issue in which this skill did not interact properly with Berserker's Power, Adrenal Health, and Cleansing Ire.
- Fixed an issue in which auto-salvaging was giving the incorrect amount of research notes for recipes that produce multiple items.
Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes[edit]
- Cal Cohen's comments on this update.
- Build: 135,374