Game updates/2020-03-18
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March 18, 2020
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Game update - March 18, 2020[edit]
Bug Fixes:[edit]
- Fixed an issue that stalled a boss fight in Darkrime Delves.
- Fixed a bug that allowed only one player per instance to receive credit for challenge achievements in the Forging Steel mission.
- Revenant:
- General: Fixed a bug that allowed some items to trigger revenant traits.
- Elementalist:
Obsidian Flesh: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to go on interrupt cooldown instead of its full cooldown.
- Fixed the positioning of the Dreamwalker Wings Backpack on charr, asura, and sylvari characters.
- Fixed an issue with the Runic Slayer Helm that occurred on some race/gender combinations.
Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes[edit]
- Build: 102,803