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Farraige is a sylvari of the Night cycle find in the Garden of Night.
- I've been pondering whether it's possible to resist the darkness within the Dream, or whether we're all doomed to become like the Nightmare Court.
- (If Night bloom sylvari)
- We all have darkness inside, intermingled with light. Given enough pressure, the possibility exists within us all that we may give in to the seduction of nightmare.
- I know you're right. I'm a night bloom like you, after all. I travel in shadow. The dark is not evil, in and of itself, don't you worry that the shadows will become too deep?
- Yes, you make an interesting point. The Night bloom who is ever vigilent will not stumble too far into darkness. Oh, what precarious path we walk.
- So true.
Perhaps the answer is a life time of vigilance.
- As little as possible.
Darkness is not your enemy.
- I try not think about it.
- (If non-sylvari or Night bloom)
- Those of us who awakened during the Night Cycle walk hand in hand with darkness. We understand it as few others do. We embrace it.
- Of course, not. Night blooms and nightmare courtiers are very different, though their names are similar. We slide through the shadows, and they corrupt them.
- I see.
Are you evil?
- I understand.
What do you mean?
- Forgive my intrusion.