Explorer Laria
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Explorer Laria
Explorer Laria is one of the few inhabitants of Cachistic R&D. She lost her friend Gelda to the Risen, which made her less optimistic about ever finding a cure to dragon corruption.
- It's sad. There's something about actually being out here in the middle of the battle that just crushes your dreams.
- When I left Rata Sum, to come here, I was hoping I could help find a way to cure our colleagues who'd become Risen. Some way to make them un-undead. A lot of asura back home had that dream.
- When I arrived, I learned that most who were already here had arrived harboring the same dream. But they had all since abandoned those dreams, accepting that there was no cure.
- I came here with a friend, Gelda, who had the same dream. We believed in it so strongly, we requested this same post together. But I lost her.
- We were on sentry duty. Risen ambushed us. Gelda saw them too late. When I went to help her, she...it tried to kill me. I didn't see Gelda in those eyes. At that moment, both our dreams died.
- That's rough. Good luck.
What happened?
- That's too bad. Good-bye.
And now you've given up too?
- It seems reality can have that effect on dreams.
So what changed?
- I see.
What were your dreams?
- This war has crushed a lot of dreams.