Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Evict the squatters to claim the Isle of Reflection for your guild!

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Evict the squatters to claim the Isle of Reflection for your guild!

Isle of Reflection
Event type
Meta event
Total events

Evict the squatters to claim the Isle of Reflection for your guild! is a level 80 meta event which allows players to capture and claim their guild hall, the Isle of Reflection.


  • After starting the event you have 40 minutes to complete the capture. The difficulty scales and so it is doable even for very small guilds or parties.
  • First you clear out the squatters and their leader before moving further into the land.
  • Then you come across the Purists who split up. There will be the Mindblade, the Specter, and the Enforcer. You can split up or you can handle them one at a time, there should be enough time.
  • Afterwards, group up in the center and fight the Ritualist.
  • Claim your new guild hall!
